Results for 서울시 tax

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Online signature gathering for initiative, referendum and recall petitions. [Ballot]

Mar 22, 2016 - The net change for economic activity and state and local tax revenues, therefore, could be minimal. Summary of Fiscal Effects. This measure likely would have the following major fiscal effects: One-time state and local government costs in the millions of dollars or more to develop an online system for electronic petition signature gathering.

The 2016-17 Budget: California Public Utilities Commission

Feb 25, 2016 - In addition, the state provides (1) a per enrollee monthly payment to cover carriers ’ administrative costs, (2) a one-time connection subsidy for new enrollees or enrollees that switch plans, and (3) a subsidy to cover other telephone taxes and surcharges for LifeLine enrollees.

The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals

Feb 24, 2016 - While federal and state spending (approximately $200  million since 2012) for these QRIS is set to sunset in 2015 –16 , First  5 California —a commission established to use tobacco tax revenues to benefit children birth through five —has recently announced that it plans to spend $190  million between 2015 –16 and 2019 –20 to expand and enhance QRIS.

The 2016-17 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Feb 23, 2016 - This is because under the Governor ’s plan, the new revenues allocated to SHOPP would come from permanent tax increases that would continue even when the need for funding is less in the future. Governor ’s Accountability Measures Are Limited.

The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor’s Reserve Proposal

Feb 19, 2016 - California has two statutes that trigger reductions in the state ’s sales tax rate if balances in the SFEU reach a certain threshold. Under either statute, the state ’s sales tax rate would automatically decline by one –quarter cent for one calendar year, equal to around $1.5  billion.

The 2016-17 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Feb 18, 2016 - Summary of LAO Recommendations Proposition  98 Use the administration ’s estimates of General Fund tax revenue and the Proposition  98 minimum guarantee as a reasonable starting point for budget deliberations.

State legislator lie detector tests (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Feb 18, 2016 - Legislators ’ “compensation ” would be taxed “as if it is a normal salary for state income tax purposes ” under the measure. Changes to Legislative Rules. The measure states that “the Legislature session shall not adjourn until at least ten days after they have taken at least one vote on every bill introduced in their respective houses. ” It also would change the current September 1 deadline for passing most bills in the even-numbered years to October 1.

The 2016-17 Budget: Resources and Environmental Protection

Feb 16, 2016 - Redirect Fuel Taxes From OHV Trust Fund to SPRF. Due to the structural shortfall in SPRF and the depletion of the SPRF fund balance, the administration requests a one –time redirection of $31  million in fuel tax revenues to SPRF.

The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Feb 11, 2016 - In 2011, the state enacted legislation known as 2011 realignment, which dedicated a portion of the state ’s sales tax to counties to administer CWS. The 2016 –17 budget assumes that over $2  billion will be available from realignment revenues for the support of CWS programs.

The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 11, 2016 - The proposed budget reserves most revenues associated with the MCO tax in a special fund pending passage of a restructured MCO tax by the Legislature, while the hospital QAF will sunset on January 1, 2 017 absent an extension of the fee.