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Results for irish state pension in K-12 Education

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The 2020-21 Budget: Governor’s Computer Science Proposals

Mar 10, 2020 - Student Test Scores Are One Component of State ’s Accountability System. In 2013, the state adopted a new school accountability system that assesses school district performance in eight state priority areas.

Excess ERAF: A Review of the Calculations Affecting School Funding [Publication Details]

Mar 6, 2020 - In this report, we recommend the Legislature direct the administration to enforce state law on our other two concerns. We also recommend improving oversight to prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

Excess ERAF: A Review of the Calculations Affecting School Funding

Mar 6, 2020 - Minimum State Aid School Districts Receive a Minimum Level of State Funding. Certain provisions of the California Constitution and state law guarantee all school districts a minimum level of funding from the state General Fund.

The 2020-21 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis [Publication Details]

Feb 24, 2020 - Although the Legislature has various options for providing fiscal relief, we think making additional payments toward districts’ unfunded pension liabilities would offer the greatest fiscal benefit. Paying down these liabilities would improve the funding status of the pension systems and likely reduce district costs over time.

The 2020-21 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Feb 24, 2020 - We analyze the Governor’s proposals for State Preschool in The 2020‑21 Budget: Early Education Analysis. In our January report, The 2020‑21 Budget: School District Budget Trends , we provide detailed information about compensation, staffing, pensions, and other cost pressures affecting school district budgets.

Narrowing California’s K-12 Student Achievement Gaps

Jan 31, 2020 - State Efforts to Narrow Gaps Significant Funding Is Allocated for Disadvantaged Students. School districts currently receive $15. 2  b illion in ongoing state funding and $4. 9  b illion in ongoing federal funding for supporting disadvantaged, low ‑income, low ‑performing, and special needs students.

Narrowing California’s K-12 Student Achievement Gaps [Publication Details]

Jan 31, 2020 - In response to concerns over K‑12 student achievement gaps, the Legislature tasked our office with convening a work group on the topic and submitting a report.

The 2020-21 Budget: School District Budget Trends

Jan 21, 2020 - School Employees Are Part of One of Two Pension Systems. The California State Teachers ’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) administers pension benefits for school teachers, administrators, and other certificated employees (such as nurses, librarians, and counselors), whereas the California Public Employees ’ Retirement System (CalPERS) administers pension benefits for noncertificated employees (such as clerical staff).

The 2020-21 Budget: School District Budget Trends [Publication Details]

Jan 21, 2020 - In this report, we examine district budgets—both looking back at actual experiences to date and looking ahead at what experiences could be over the next few years. First, we provide background on districts and their budgets. We then discuss trends in districts’ main cost drivers. Next, we examine overall district fiscal health, with a particular focus on districts in fiscal distress.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2020 - The Governor allocates this amount among three uses: ( 1)  c ontinuing to implement the state ’s plan to prefund retiree health benefits, ( 2)  r epaying a 2017 ‑ 18 l oan from the state ’s cash resources that supported a supplemental pension payment in that year, and ( 3)  a supplemental pension payment to the state ’s teacher retirement system.