Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2001 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 5b

Of all CSU regularly admitted first-time freshmen in fall 1998 who needed remediation, more than 20  percent had not completed their precollegiate courses within one calendar year. Of the students not completing precollegiate course work within the allotted time, approximately one-third were administratively disenrolled, one-third left voluntarily, and one-th ird

The 2022-23 Budget: California College Guidance Initiative

Feb 22, 2022 - Trailer legislation also requires CCGI  to report additional information by April  1,  2022 (and every year thereafter), such as budget change proposals; details for participating districts and charter schools; and, in the first report, a needs assessment examining platform usage and relevance of existing features to users.

[PDF] Cal Facts 2006: State-Local Finances

Suspending a mandate makes local agency implemention of the mandate optional for one year. In 2006-07, the state budget suspended more than 30 mandates. Some of these mandates have been suspended annually for over a decade.

[PDF] Financial Aid and the State Budget

Campuses Package Aid to Help Meet Student Need Typical CSU Financial Aid Packages Family of Four With One Child in College, 2011-12 Parent Income $20,000 $60,000 $100,000 Parent contribution — $4,115 $15,663 Federal grants $6,350 1,400 — Cal grant 1,473 5,472 — Institutional grant 5,472 — — Student responsibility (loan/work) 10,458 12,766 8,090 Totals $23,753 $23,753 $23,753 4L E G I S L A T I V

Re-Envisioning County Offices of Education: A Study of Their Mission and Funding

Feb 6, 2017 - As Figure  6 shows, of the $1  billion generated by LCFF in 2014 ‑15, the juvenile court and county community schools portion generated about 30  percent, the district services component generated about 45  percent, and the two hold harmless provisions generated a combined 25  percent.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: California Community Colleges

Through 2024-25, districts funded according to the hold harmless provision receive whatever they generated in 2017-18 under the old formula, plus any subsequent apportionment COLA provided by the state.

Implementation and administration costs for proposed EITC

May 22, 2015 - Given the importance of implementing the EITC by the beginning of the next calendar year, we also recommend the Legislature adopt  supplemental report language  requesting a status update on the implementation of the EITC program by January 10, 2016.

California Spending Plan, Chapter 1

Specifically, the May Revisio n proposed a two-step reduction in the VLF--a 50 percent reduction in the rate beginning January 1999, and an additional 25 percent reduction beginning January 2002. The measure wo uld have reduced VLF receipts by $995 million in 1998-99 (a half-year effect), about $2 billion in 1999-00 (a full-year effect), and up to $3.6 billion when fully phased-in 2002-03 .

[PDF] The Miller-Unruh Reading Program: A Sunset Review

The SOE has no data on how many of -25- these 79 certificated specialists are employed as Miller-Unruh specialists, nor does the SOE know how many Miller-Unruh specialists are credentialed rather than certificated.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: January 1 - January 25 [EconTax Blog]

Jan 26, 2021 - Income Tax Withholding Tracker: January 1 - January 25 [EconTax Blog] Income Tax Withholding Tracker: January 1 - January 25 January 26, 2021 Brian Uhler Bottom Line: California income tax withholding collections in January to date are 7 percent above January 2020.