Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Contributions to CalSTRS [EdBudget]

Aug 18, 2022 - Rates and amounts for subsequent years will be updated based on actual teacher payroll and investment returns, among other factors. b Reflects effective rates for school districts and community college districts.

[PDF] The 2007-08 Budget Package (Revised 7/24/07)

Provides $120 million in funding for the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act (also known as Proposition 36) programs, a reduction of $25 million from the prior-year funding level. Mental Health Services.

[PDF] If a basic aid district enrolls a student from a home district

If a basic aid district enrolls a student from a home district that is not a basic aid district, the basic aid district receives 25 percent of the base grant the student would have generated in his or her home district.

Supplemental Report of the 2008 Budget Act: 2008-09 Fiscal Year

The pool facility (23,000 sf) includes a regulation size 25 yard by 25 –meter pool with a separate wading area and pool equipment including a solar water heater, pumps, and water filtration/sanitation system.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Program growth during the five- year period of 50/50 sharing increased from $1 million to $6.4 million; program growth since the enactment of a 75/25 sharing ratio is esti- mated to increase from $6.4 million to $36.4 million.

[PDF] The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

As we noted above, $280 million in general obligation bonds have already been sold, or 41 percent of the bond sales scheduled for the current year. Other bonds sales scheduled for this year include: veteran's bonds ($200 million); prison construction ($50 million), clean water and water conservation ($80 million) ~ safe drinking water ($30 million), state parklands ($25 million), and urban and coastal parks ($15 million).

[PDF] Major Budget Issues: K-12 Education

We estimate mandate claims for 2007-08 will total about $185 million ($160 million for K-12 mandates and $25 million for CCC mandates). Combined with unpaid prior-year mandate costs, we estimate the state would end 2007-08 with about $550 million in mandate debt.

[PDF] Major Budget Issues: K-12 Education

We estimate mandate claims for 2007-08 will total about $185 million ($160 million for K-12 mandates and $25 million for CCC mandates). Combined with unpaid prior-year mandate costs, we estimate the state would end 2007-08 with about $550 million in mandate debt.

200 Budget Analysis: Teacher Quality, AP Courses, Governor's Scholars

In contrast, 4 percent of the teaching staff lacked credentials in schools where 25 percent or less of the student body received free or redu ced-price lunches. At many schools the percentage of teachers without credentials was significantly higher, in extreme cases exceeding 50 percent.

A Review of the California Youth Authority's Infrastructure

For example, it proposes legislation to (1) change the age jurisdiction of the Youth Authority from 25 years of age to 22 years of age and (2) reform sentencing policies that would allow certain wards to be transferred to the adult prison system.