Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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State Payments Made on Behalf of School and Community College Districts [EdBudget]

Jul 23, 2019 - State Payments Made on Behalf of School and Community College Districts [EdBudget] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

An Update on California's Film Tax Credit Programs [EconTax Blog]

Jul 22, 2019 - In 2009, the Legislature created a tax credit to reduce production companies ’ tax liabilities by up to 25 percent of certain production expenses. Total credits were capped at $100 million annually statewide.

Spousal support. [Ballot]

Jul 22, 2019 - For example, the five-year limit could result in more marital partners choosing instead to negotiate uncontested agr eements that allows for spousal support payments over more than five years if they believe this would result in a higher amount of spousal support than would have otherwise been received.

June 2019 Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Jul 19, 2019 - Construction has long been one of the most volatile and cyclical sectors, and it has been the fastest growing sector over the past year. The well-paying professional/technical services and information sectors and the large health and leisure-hospitality sectors have also enjoyed h igh growth during that period.

Early Education Budget [EdBudget]

Jul 18, 2019 - g Includes $1.6 million each year used for a family literacy program offered at certain State Preschool sites. h Reflects preliminary LAO estimates. Transitional Kindergarten enrollment data are not yet publicly available for 2018-19 and 2019-20.

Proposition 51 School Facility Budget Appropriations by Year [EdBudget]

Jul 18, 2019 - Proposition 51 School Facility Budget Appropriations by Year [EdBudget] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

K-12 Proposition 98 Funding by Program [EdBudget]

Jul 18, 2019 - K-12 Proposition 98 Funding by Program [EdBudget] $2,270 3.3% a Includes $50 million each year for the Quality Rating and Improvement System. For all three years, does not include wrap care provided by non-profit agencies and, for 2019-20, also does not include part-day preschool programs run by these agencies. b In each of these three years, an

Enrollment by Higher Education Segment [EdBudget]

Jul 17, 2019 - The funds are intended to support a total of 200 FTE graduate students over four years. For UC, the 2019-20 budget expects growth of 4,860 resident FTE undergraduate students by 2020-21. UC plans to accommodate about half of the growth in 2019-20.

June 2019 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Jul 10, 2019 - We discuss June 2019 and fiscal year 2018-19 state tax collections.

State Fiscal Health Index: May 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Jul 2, 2019 - The index ranges from 0 (representing the lowest level in the last 25 years) to 100 (representing the highest level in the last 25 years). Both the level of the index and changes in the index from month to month offer information about the state ’s fiscal health.