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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Human Services

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The 2011-12 Budget: Child Care and Development [Publication Details]

Jan 24, 2011 - The 2011-12 Budget: Child Care and Development [Publication Details] The 2011-12 Budget: Child Care and Development Format: HTML Description: The Governor’s budget plan provides $2.2 billion for child care and development (CCD) in 2011-12 —a reduction of $535 million, or 19 percent, compared to the current year.

The 2010-11 Budget: Health and Social Services Budget Primer [Publication Details]

Mar 26, 2010 - The 2010-11 Budget: Health and Social Services Budget Primer [Publication Details] The 2010-11 Budget: Health and Social Services Budget Primer Format: HTML Description: In 2009-10, expenditures for health and social services programs in California are estimated to be about $25 billion or 29 percent of statewide General Fund spending.

LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details]

Dec 1, 2008 - This report summarizes various changes to law that we have recommended in recent years. Recommendations in this report include, among many others: (a) Simplify and Consolidate K-12 General Purpose Funding, (b) Promote the Adoption of Health Information Technology in California, (c) Fund Inmate Education Programs Based on Actual Attendance, and (d) Increase and Index the State Gas Tax.

Alternatives to the Governor’s Proposal--Work Participation Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - Pre-assistance programs focusing on preparing recipients to enter the labor force within four months and a community service requirement for adults who have received five years of assistance are two policies which would increase participation with less budgetary savings than the Governor.

Budget Deletes State Cost-of-Living Adjustments [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - Based on more recent data, we estimate savings in 2008-09 will increase by $5.3 million to a total of $305.6 million in the budget year. As part of the LAO budget alternative, we recommend reducing grants for couples to 125 percent of the federal poverty level.

Governor’s Reforms Address Participation Shortfall and Achieve Budgetary Savings [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - These are (1) a graduated full-family sanction that increases to 100 percent of the grant after one year in sanction status, (2) a five-year time limit on children whose parents cannot meet federal work participation requirements, (3) a nutritional supplement for working poor families, and (4) a five-year time limit for other child-only cases.

CalWORKs: Impact of Recent Policy Changes on Work Participation [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2007 - California has made significant changes in the CalWORKs program in order to increase work participation among recipients.

Get $mart: Reforming the State’s Equipment Financing Program [Publication Details]

Jan 28, 2003 - The Department of General Services' (DGS) GS $Mart Program has been used to finance $521 million in state equipment purchases over the past seven years. We find that DGS has demonstrated initiative in developing this innovative program but that the program has significant deficiencies, including a lack of statutory authority.

Fiscal Effect on California: Congressional Welfare Reform Reauthorization Proposals [Publication Details]

Aug 29, 2002 - Congress is considering different approaches to the reauthorization of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. We estimate that over the next five federal fiscal years net state costs would be about $2.2 billion for the House bill (H.R. 4737) and $140 million for the version passed by the Senate Finance Committee.

President's Welfare Reform Reauthorization Plan--Fiscal Effect on California [Publication Details]

Apr 15, 2002 - President Bush's welfare reform reauthorization plan, if enacted by Congress, would increase the effective work participation rate requirement for California by a factor of almost ten. In order to have a reasonable chance of meeting this mandate, we estimate that the state would incur total additional net costs of approximately $2.8 billion over the next five federal fiscal years.