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Results for irish state pension in Human Services

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Evaluation of the Statewide Project Management Office

Dec 7, 2017 - Cultivate In ‑State Expertise. Some departments ’ interest in the PMO was partially driven by an interest in building and retaining project management expertise for the benefit of the state. They viewed engaging PMO services as a means to contribute to the state ’s long ‑term project management capacity, as the expertise and experience that the PMO project manager developed through the project would remain in ‑state.

Fiscal Outlook: Developmental Services

Nov 15, 2017 - The state could increase General Fund revenues on a one-time basis from the sale of the state properties and buildings that house the DCs to a nonstate entity. It could also choose to repurpose one or more of these properties to generate a smaller amount of revenue to the state on an ongoing basis.

Fiscal Outlook: Developmental Services [Publication Details]

Nov 15, 2017 - It also considers the fiscal impact of the closure of state-run Developmental Centers, which will occur over the outlook period. This is part of a collection of material for The 2018-19 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook .

State Efforts to Address Youth Homelessness [Publication Details]

Oct 10, 2017 - State Efforts to Address Youth Homelessness [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Measuring CalWORKs Performance

Sep 6, 2017 - State Priorities Diverge From Federal Priorities, Requiring Balance At the same time the state has worked to come into compliance with the WPR requirement, the state has enacted policies that reflect priorities beyond simply meeting the federal WPR thresholds.

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Feb 28, 2017 - We also describe the budget proposal in detail for the In-Home Supportive Services , Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment , and CalWORKs programs. You can use the menu on the left to navigate to the individual posts.

The 2017-18 Budget: Governor’s Proposal to Strengthen Information Security

Feb 28, 2017 - Not only can information secur ity breaches impede the state ’s ability to serve the public, but the costs both to the state and to the individuals affected could be substantial. We note that information maintained within the state ’s various IT systems has different levels of sensitivity and requires different levels of protection.

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Feb 28, 2017 - After the state reduced SSP grants to the federally required minimum levels, the state could no longer do this. Governor ’s Proposal Full-Year Cost of January 2017 SSP COLA.  The budget includes $73  million from the General Fund for a full year of funding for the COLA increase to the state ’s SSP portion of the grant, which became effective January 1, 2017.

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Feb 28, 2017 - TANF Funding in the State Budget State Has Significant Flexibility in the Allocation of TANF Block Grant Funds. As shown in Figure  3, a majority of the state ’s available TANF block grant funds (about 58  percent in 2017 ‑18) is used to support the CalWORKs program.

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

Feb 28, 2017 - The remaining costs of the IHSS program are paid for by the state and counties. Historically, the state paid for 65  percent of nonfederal program costs and counties paid for the remaining 35  percent.