Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: Employment

The result of this action is the estimated transfer of $5,253,098 to the General Fund in fiscal year 1965-66. The statement of the fund condition indicates an estimated surplus available for appropriation of $3,024,230 on June 30, 1966 of which approximately $2 million will be available for transfer in fiscal 1966-67 under a like control section.

2001 Budget Analysis: Fund Conditions for Resources Programs

After transferring $4.5 million to the General Fund to mee t specified statutory requirements, the budget proposes to transfer the remaining $21.1 million of NRIF money to HCF in order to meet the funding requirement of Proposition 117.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: California's Cash Flow Crisis

Transportation Defer transfers of $700 million of gas tax revenues to counties and cities for local street and road projects spread over several months beginning in February 2009. Defer $270 million of Proposition 42 transportation payments from April and June 2009 to October 2009.

[PDF] 1992-93 Budget Perspectives and Issues

1992-93 Budget Perspectives and Issues ($742 million) Counties may transfer 10 percent annually among the three program areas. Counties may transfer an additional 10 percent from the Health account if necessary to fund social services caseload growth.

[PDF] Voter Empowerment Act of 2016

For example, a city might choose to close its fire department and instead contract fire protection services with the county. In such a case, the city would terminate its pension plan associated with its firefighters.

[PDF] Retirement benefits for state and local governmental employees in California (Amendment No. 1).

For example, a city might choose to close its fire department and instead contract fire protection services with the county. In such a case, the city would terminate its pension plan associated with its firefighters.

[PDF] Retirement benefits for state and local governmental employees in California (Amendment No.1).

For example, a city might choose to close its fire department and instead contract fire protection services with the county. In such a case, the city would terminate its pension plan associated with its firefighters.

[PDF] Trial Court Operations Funding

Challenges to Addressing Ongoing Budget Reductions 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E April 10, 2014 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Less Resources Available to Offset Reductions  Repeated transfers from judicial branch special funds have greatly reduced their fund balances.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Control Section

This section permits the Department of Finance to transfer funds from one agency to another when the functions performed by the re- spective agencies are transferred. SECTION 21 of the Budget Bill Recommendation : We recommend approval.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Elimination of Energy-Related Agencies

Senate Bill 920 (Bowen), enrolled in 2004 and vetoed, proposed to eliminate the board and provided a plan for the assumption of EOB’s pending legal cases —these cases were to be transferred to the Attorney General.