Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] LAO Recommended Legislation 2008

LAO Contact Lisa Murawski: 319-8321 28 Legislative Analyst’s Office department of cHIld support servIces Improve Child Support Performance Recommendation Create a performance-based program that (1) allows county flexibility in program design, (2) establishes a county share of cost, (3) rewards counties for good performance on federal measures,

[PDF] Current law appears torequire that this transfer be based on

Current law appears torequire that this transfer be based on actual revenue collected in 1986-87 under the Substandard Housing Program, minus Franchise Tax Board's (FTB's) projected costs for administering the program.

Building Permits Update: June 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Aug 6, 2019 - Last summer, we noted that there was significant uptick in housing permits in Sonoma County during the months following the Tubbs Fire, suggesting the rebuilding process started relatively quickly. In contrast, rebuilding has not occurred as quickly in Butte County following the Camp Fire last fall.

[PDF] Local funding mainly comes from sales taxes,

Local funding mainly comes from sales taxes, transit fares, and city and county general funds, while federal funding mainly comes from federal fuel taxes. State funding mainly comes from state fuel and vehicle taxes.

The 2019-20 Budget: Reorganization of the Division of Juvenile Justice

Apr 10, 2019 - The scale was designed to incentivize counties to keep low ‑level offenders at the county level by requiring counties to pay more to house less serious offenders with the state. Counties would pay a flat fee of $ 150 p er month for the most serious offenders.

Looking at the Early Effects of Federal Tax Changes on Housing [EconTax Blog]

May 4, 2018 - Looking at the Early Effects of Federal Tax Changes on Housing [EconTax Blog] Looking at the Early Effects of Federal Tax Changes on Housing May 4, 2018 Brian Uhler In December 2017, Congress passed a package of changes to federal personal income tax and corporation tax laws.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Budget Analysis: Health & Social Services Chapter

Chapter 1223, Statutes of 1992 (AB 3589, Speier), established a pro- gram in which counties forward delinquent child support cases to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to attempt to recover these obligations.

An Update on California's Film Tax Credit Programs [EconTax Blog]

Jul 22, 2019 - FTB taxpayer compliance staff subsequently verifies tax credit claims with the CFC. Publically reported income tax statistics do not currently d ifferentiate between the different tax credit programs.

[PDF] The 1993-94 State Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Major Budget Proposals Property Tax Shift The largest single feature in the budget proposal is the shift of $2.6 billion of property taxes and redevelopment funds from local governments to schools. This shift would reduce required state funding under Proposition 98 by a like amount, and would be in addition to the $1.1 billion permanently shifted to schools from cities, counties, and special districts in the current year.

The 2011-12 Budget: Overview of the May Revision

Counties will face the same types of uncertainties. Since the administration ’s realignment proposal is linked to the tax measures, they will be up in the air as to their new responsibilities until the voters have decided.