Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Other Government Areas

Earlier this year, the Legislature passed a bill to provide state support for Los Angeles' bid. Under that bill, the Governor is allowed to negotiate a contract with Games organizers for the state to provide no more than $250 million of back-up financial support if the 2024 Los Angeles Olympics end with a financial shortfall.

[PDF] The Cap-and-Trade Program: Issues for Legislative Consideration

The Governor’s 2024 budget proposal proposes a similar approach, using roughly $1.8 billion from GGRF to sustain planned activities while achieving General Fund savings. Cap-and-Trade Auction Revenues Support Various Programs L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 4 Summary of Statewide GHG Emissions Targets Legislature Has Set Various GHG Goals.

[PDF] A Historical Review of Proposition 98

The state typically is carrying some amount of outstanding maintenance factor, with an outstanding obligation existing 20 of the past 25 years. The largest outstanding maintenance factor the state has ever carried was $11.2 billion at the end of 2008-09.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21 (SEIU Local 1000)

For the typical state employee receiv- ing 2 percent at 55 benefi ts, for example, retiring at age 55 after 25 years of service can result in a retirement benefi t equal to 50 percent (or 2 percent multiplied by 25 years of service) of the employee’s highest single year of pay.

Drug crimes. [Ballot]

Oct 25, 2023 - For example, people who receive five years in prison (such as because they were previously convicted of a sex crime) for selling fentanyl under current law could instea d receive up to 12 years for selling fentanyl resulting in death under the measure.

[PDF] We suggest that review of the plans, at a minimum, should

We suggest that review of the plans, at a minimum, should include steps to: • Verify the qualifications of management planners and asbestos inspectors retained by school districts to produce management plans; • Assure consistency of recommended abatement actions with asbestos conditions which are reported to exist in a school; • Assure that the more than

The 2022-23 Budget: Federal Tax Conformity for Federal Business Assistance

Jan 26, 2022 - In addition, estimating in which years the revenue losses would occur is difficult. This is because most of the businesses that would benefit from conforming to the federal tax tr eatment of these grants have operating losses and will not owe taxes this year, or perhaps for several years.

School District Fiscal Oversight and Intervention [Publication Details]

Apr 30, 2012 - Under this system, County Offices of Education review the fiscal condition of school districts at several points during the year and provide additional support for districts showing signs of fiscal distress.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Proposition 98 May Revision Budget Package

Specifically, the measure requires that 25 percent of the savings go to CDE to administer a grant program to reduce high school dropout, truancy, and student victimization rates. The May Revision increases the administration’s estimate of Proposition 47 savings, resulting in a $2.6 million augmentation for the dropout and truancy prevention grant program.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Community Colleges (6870)

We focus on two overdue reports below: Report on Allocation of $25 Million Concurrent Enrollment Reduction The 2003-04 budget reflects a $25  million reduction in apportionment funding for concurrent enrollment of high school students in certain courses.