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State Budget (548)
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Results for irish state pension in State Budget

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The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Multiyear State Budget Outlook [Publication Details]

May 17, 2018 - The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Multiyear State Budget Outlook [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Economic Outlook

May 12, 2018 - A multitude of factors, however, will influence the path of the state ’s economy in ways that are very difficult to anticipate. Some of these factors are discussed below. Tight Labor Markets. The state ’s unemployment rate (4.2  percent as of March  2018) is the lowest it has been in decades.

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Revenue Outlook

May 12, 2018 - Depending on corporations ’ tax status in California, a portion of this returning cash will be taxed by the state. Specifically, the state taxes corporate profits based on the business ’ share of sales generated in California (which is roughly 7 percent on average).

The 2018-19 Budget: Initial Comments on the May Revision

May 12, 2018 - The Governor proposes the state end 2018 ‑19 with $17  billion in total reserves. This would consist of two amounts: $13.8  billion in the state ’s constitutional rainy day fund (reserves available for future budget emergencies), as well as $3.2  billion in discretionary reserves (available for any purpose).

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Economic Outlook [Publication Details]

May 12, 2018 - In this report, we discuss our new economic outlook for the state, released as part of our response to the Governor's 2018-19 May Revision.

The 2018-19 May Revision: LAO Revenue Outlook [Publication Details]

May 12, 2018 - In this report, we discuss our new revenue outlook for the state, released as part of our response to the Governor's 2018-19 May Revision.

Overview of State EITC Education and Outreach Activities [Publication Details]

Apr 12, 2018 - Overview of State EITC Education and Outreach Activities [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's Gann Limit Estimates

Apr 6, 2018 - Counting these subventions at the state level reduces room by $1.3  billion in 2016 ‑17, $877  million in 2017 ‑18, and $1.8  billion in 2018 ‑19. Incorporating Recently Released Data Reduces State Room.

The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's Gann Limit Estimates [Publication Details]

Apr 6, 2018 - The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's Gann Limit Estimates [Publication Details] The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's Gann Limit Estimates Format: HTML Description: The State Constitution limits how much the Legislature can spend from tax revenues.

The 2018-19 Budget: Repaying the CalPERS Borrowing Plan [Publication Details]

Apr 4, 2018 - All funds that make pension payments will repay the loan over the next decade or so. Authorizing legislation gives the administration some discretion over how funds will repay the loan, but the statute includes a variety of repayment requirements.