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Volatility of California’s Personal Income Tax Structure

Sep 28, 2017 - Volatility of California’s Personal Income Tax Structure Volatility of California ’s Personal Income Tax Structure   Executive Summary The personal income tax (PIT) is the state government ’s most important revenue source.

Volatility of California’s Personal Income Tax Structure [Publication Details]

Sep 28, 2017 - Volatility of California’s Personal Income Tax Structure [Publication Details] Volatility of California’s Personal Income Tax Structure Format: HTML Description: For many years, personal income tax (PIT) volatility has complicated budgetary planning.

[PDF] The Gaming Revenue Act of 2004

The owners would also pay 2 percent of their net win to the city and 1 percent to the county in which the establishment is located. The measure specifies that these payments would be in lieu of any taxes or fees enacted after September 1, 2003.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Health and Human Services Agency (0530)

For example, some of the Franchise Tax Board's tax systems interface with EDD systems. Both departments manage their own projects and interact with each other when necessary. To date, the Legislature has not directed agencies to manage these types of projects for departments.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Federal Economic Stimulus Package: Fiscal Effect on California

Adoption Assistance Program 97 FMAP relief of 6.2 percent for state/county costs. Foster Care 72 FMAP relief of 6.2 percent for state/county costs. DOR—Vocational Rehabilitation 57 Additional funds to assist disabled individuals obtain and retain employment.

[PDF] The 2018-19 Budget: Analysis of the Health and Human Services Budget

Finally, we note that the Governor’s budget does not provide any additional funding for Medi-Cal in 2018-19 pursuant to a budget formula in Proposition 55 (2016) that extended tax rate increases on high-income Californians .

Public social services. [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2015 - The job placement program required by the measure overlaps somewhat with existing county activities. The state and counties would not incur additional costs to the extent that counties are already performing the employment outreach and placement activities required by the measure.

Formula for probation incentive grants

May 29, 2013 - In particular, we are concerned that the proposal would expand the SB 678 formula to award counties for felony probationers successfully diverted from county jail. Doi ng so would provide double-funding to counties for certain lower-level offenders for whom counties already receive funding under the 2011 realignment.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2005

Counties would face additional costs of about $7  million in 2006 ‑07 and $10  million in 2007 ‑08 and thereafter. Medi-Cal Hospital Costs. Higher costs for hospital care paid through Medi-Cal would be unknown but significant.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2005

Counties would face additional costs of about $5  million in 2006 ‑07 and $9  million in 2007 ‑08 and thereafter. Medi-Cal Hospital Costs. Higher costs for hospital care paid through Medi-Cal would be unknown but significant.