Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] State Rail Program

County light rail • Valley transit project • Southern CA commuter rail Subtotals-LA. Basin San Diego County light raii and commuter rail S.F. Municipal Railway Santa Clara County light rail BART Caltrain Sacramento light rail City of Irvine Guideway Miscellaneous $95 350 495 581 L.A.

Child custody and juvenile dependency. [Ballot]

Dec 24, 2018 - This measure could result in an ongoing increase in county workload to the extent that jurisdictional hearings that currently are decided by a judge are instead decided by a jury. For example, child welfare departments and/or county attorneys may need to spend more time preparing for jury trials because of the different rules related to how and what informa tion can be presented to a jury.

Early Budget Actions to Support In-Person K-12 Instruction and Address Learning Loss

Apr 23, 2021 - Funding is allocated to local education agencies (LEAs) —school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education —based on their share of total 2020 ‑21 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allotments.

[PDF] Achieving the Goals of the SB 678 County Probation Grant Program

These people are generally placed in county jail rather than state prison. The state also realigned certain non-General Fund revenues—namely, a set portion of sales tax—to the counties to help pay for these new responsibilities.

California Spending Plan 2000-01 Chapter 1

The administration proposed that over two-thirds of the new funds be used for three main purposes: Proposition 98 education ($3.9 billion) --where the Governor proposed over $1.8 billion to eliminate a deficit in school district and county office of education revenue limits that existed since the early 1990s, when the state did not fully fund cost-of-living adjustments.

Major Potential State Fiscal Risk Averted Following Withdrawal of Proposed Federal Medicaid Financing Regulation

Sep 21, 2020 - For example, MFAR effectively would have prohibited health care-related taxes that place different tax rates on taxpayers based on their levels of Medicaid (versus non-Medicaid) activity. In their current forms, both the hospital quality assurance fee and the MCO tax likely would have run afoul of these rule changes.

[PDF] The 2003-04 Senate Budget Bill SB 53 (Chesbro) As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

The Senate budget plan also assumes the receipt of $250 million in federal funds to offset Medi-Cal Program costs due to recent congressional tax-cut legislation. In addition to these funding adjustments, the key Senate changes are summarized below.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - In conjunction with SB  1, the Legislature passed separate legislation to amend the 2016 ‑17 budget to provide an additional $927  million from various existing fund sources for specific transportation projects located in Riverside County and certain parts of the Central Valley.

[PDF] State's Fiscal Outlook Brightens

In addition, there were moderate gains in sales and use taxes and in corporate income taxes. Qom;.ed w-:: the cumulative gain in revenues o 30smlnion relative to the budget estimate that wJk; experienced tb,ro11gh, the April gain for the major taxes brou~t cumulative 1996-97 revenues to about'® mjll jo(iabove the January bud- get estimate.

2002 Initiative Analysis: California Workers’ Livable Wage Initiative

Counties would face additional costs of about $90  million in 2002-03 and $225  million in 2003 ‑04. Medi-Cal Nursing Facility Rates. The state would incur added annual costs in the low tens of millions of dollars to reimburse nursing facilities under the Medi-Cal program.