Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Update California: Budget and Cash Developments

Local Property Tax Shortfa//s-$0.3 billion cost Under current fiscal conditions, Proposi- tion 98 .requires the s~ate to backfill shortfalls in property tax. revenues received by public schools and community colleges.

[PDF] Update California: The Impact of Federal Spending and Tax Proposals on California

Another $4.5 billion (nearly 20 percent) of the savings come from reduc- ing taxes on capital gains. Other major provi- sions reduce taxes on married couples, social · security and estates, and also provide certain corporate tax reductions.

[PDF] Welfare Reform's Immigrant Restrictions - County Costs Probably Less Than Projected

For example, personal income tax receipts were up $111 million, reflecting higher-than-expected withholding and quarterly estimated pay- ments. Bank and corporation revenues for the first three months combined were up $24 million from the forecast.

[PDF] Class Size Reduction: A First Look at Implementation

Of this adjusted total, about $269 million is due to higher-than-expected personal income taxes, reflecting stronger- than-expected withholding and quarterly es- timated payments. About $178 million of the remaining increase is due to unusually large estate tax payments, a large portion of which will be accrued back to 1995-96.

[PDF] Economic and Budget Developments

The budget also includes a 5 percent reduction in bank and corporation taxes, beginning in January 1997. Governor's Vetoes. Befor~ signing the bud- get, the Governor vetoed $80 million in General Fund expenditures and $2 million in expendi- tures from special funds.

[PDF] California's New Earthquake Program

December receipts reflected growth in per- sonal income taxes and sales and use taxes consistent with the economy's continued mod- erate economic expansion. Bank and corpora- tion tax receipts, however, fell below the De- cember 1995 level, raising some questions regarding the underlying strength in California taxable corporate profits.

[PDF] Explaining Differences in School District Revenue

Districts receiving the largest amounts of lo- cal revenue are usually higher property wealth ar- eas that receive "excess" local property tax revenue. These are property tax rev- Distribution of Revenue Limits for Unified School Districts, 1995-96 ADA (In Millions) $3,000 $3,100 $3,200 $3,300 $3,400 $3,500 $3,600 Revenue Limit (State and Local Property

[PDF] California's Tax Expenditure Programs--Part 1: Overview

California's Tax Expenditure Programs--Part 1: Overview • • were developed by the state's two major tax agencies-the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB), for in- come taxes, and the State Board of Equalization (BOE), for all other taxes.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21 (SEIU Local 1000) Revised

The MOUs provide the approximately 1,300 seasonal clerks employed by the Franchise Tax Board and the State Compensation Insurance Fund with a 50 cent per hour pay raise effective July 1, 2013. These clerks currently have a base salary of $1,418 to $1,620 per month, meaning the change represents between a 5 percent and 6 percent increase.  California Department of Corrections and Rehabiliation (CDCR) Unit 3 Employees.

[PDF] Major Features of California's 2010-11 Budget

The budget package also includes (1) decreases in taxes for certain businesses that sell intangible products and services and (2) reductions in pen- alties for some businesses that are determined to have taxes higher than those reported on their tax returns.