Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Relocation of the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI)

Mar 7, 2012 - The CSTI staff would be reduced by 20 positions over two years, and federal funds would be diverted to the JPAs. In total, the propo sal would reduce the CalEMA budget by $2.0 million in 2012-13 and $4.2 million in 2013-14.

Unemployment Insurance Fund Insolvency

Mar 6, 2012 - The surcharge rate would vary each calendar year based on EDD 's projection of the state 's interest costs in the following year. More specifically, the surcharge rate in a given calendar year would be equal to the state 's projected interest costs in that year divided by total taxable wages paid by all employers in the previous year.

Amador and Mono Counties Triple Flip/ VLF Swap Backfill

Mar 5, 2012 - Because every school district in the counties was basic aid, no K-14 district property tax revenues were available to shift to the cities and counties. Potential Additional Shortfalls. The determination of which K-14 districts are basic aid is made annually and reflects local property tax revenues, district enrollment, and state general education funding levels.

Expansion of State Labor Enforcement Activities

Mar 5, 2012 - In light of this, we recommend that should and when the Legislature approves the requested positions to implement Chapters 677 and 706, it approves them as two-year limited term to provide time for collection of better workload data.

BreEZe information technology project funding

Mar 5, 2012 - However, changes to the BreEZe project implementation schedule could lead the DCA to request an augmentation to the budget of a board or bureau in exces s of its budget year appropriation. It is reasonable for the DCA to notify the Legislature in advance so that there is an appropriate level of oversight.

Health Care Premium Savings

Mar 2, 2012 - Because the Gov ernor introduces the budget before the next calendar year ’s premiums are negotiated by CalPERS, the Department of Finance (DOF) estimates the next year ’s premium cost for these items.

Elimination of funding for Caregiver Resource Centers

Mar 1, 2012 - The CRC administrators  also report they will receive  about $450,000 in  funding this year from private foundations. Analyst 's Comment.   This proposal is somewhat at odds with the Governor ’s Coordinated Care Initiative to provide better coordinated care for seniors and persons with disabilities in order to reduce fragmentation in the state ’s long-term care services continuum.

Governor Proposes to Increase Share of Cost for Aids Drug Assistance Program Enrollees

Mar 1, 2012 - Under a new federal requirement, by the end of the 2012 calendar year, an ADAP enrollee ’s eligibility for the program will be recertified twice every year. Approximately 39,000 people received ADAP services during 2010-11.

LAO analysis of Governor's 2012-13 budget proposal for the Department of Developmental Services.

Mar 1, 2012 - The budget plan assumes $200 million in General Fund savings in the budget year to be achieved system wide through a variety of strategies in the developmental services system. Th is builds on the $100 million General Fund reduction in the current year that was triggered when state  revenues came in below projections.

Comparing Funding for Charter Schools and Their School District Peers [Publication Details]

Mar 1, 2012 - Comparing Funding for Charter Schools and Their School District Peers [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.