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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Ballot

291 results

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State legislator lie detector tests (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Feb 18, 2016 - Legislators would be prohibited from lobbying the Legislature or any other statewide elected official for 12 years after leaving office. Legislators also would be prohibited from seeking or discussing employment with any person or company that has “directly or indirectly ” lobbied the Legislature during the past two years, as specified.

State income taxes and various charges collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles. [Ballot]

Nov 1, 2017 - Each year, a small but significant share of California ’s taxpayers pay their taxes late or not at all. The state imposes penalties and interest —currently at a rate of 4  percent per year —on late taxpayers to encourage voluntary compliance.

Criminal penalties and DNA collection. [Ballot]

Dec 21, 2017 - Instead, while these crimes could still be charged as misdemeanors, punishable by up to one year in jail, they also could be charged as felonies, punishable by up to three years in jail or prison. The measure also establishes the following two crimes: Serial Theft.

Impose new standards for confining certain farm animals. [Ballot]

Oct 18, 2017 - Proposal This measure phases in new requirements over the next several years that increase the minimum size of restrictive enclosures used by California farmers to confine egg-laying hens, breeding pigs, and calves raised for veal.

The California Alimony Reform Act [Ballot]

Apr 17, 2015 - In such cases, orders less than ten years in duration would terminate immediately, unless the court finds sufficient justification to continue the order for up to one year. Spousal support orders for ten years or more would decrease by 20  percent annually and terminate at the end of five years.

Transportation-related taxes. [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2017 - Court rulings over the years have helped clarify what charges qualify as taxes for the purposes of the two-thirds legislative vote requirement, though uncertainty still exists in some cases. State Imposes Several Transportation Taxes.

Voluntary certification of the accuracy of information cited in political advertisements for federal office (Amendment #1). [Ballot]

Oct 13, 2015 - These ongoing costs to state and local governments could be in the range of millions of dollars each year and include costs to (1)  administer the voluntary certification process and (2) investigate and prosecute claims of perjury.

Psilocybin legalization. [Ballot]

Oct 16, 2017 - For example, possession of psilocybin is generally punishable as a m isdemeanor and may result in up to a one year sentence in county jail and/or a fine, while selling psilocybin is a felony and may result in a jail or state prison sentence.

Groundwater Preservation and Water Consumer Awareness Act of 2015 [Ballot]

Jun 9, 2015 - In recent years, local governments, such as cities, counties, and water districts, have spent about $26  billion per year to supply water and to treat wastewater. About 80  percent of this spending is paid for by ratepayers of water and sewer bills.

Chronic Dialysis Clinics [Ballot]

Jan 3, 2020 - The measure requires CDPH to adopt regulations to carry out the measure within one year after the law takes effect. Prohibits CDCs From Discriminating Against Patients Based on Who Pays for Their Treatment.