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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in State Budget

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Fiscal Outlook: In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) [Publication Details]

Nov 15, 2017 - In this fiscal outlook post, we discuss our near- and long-term costs projections for the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program and significant cost drivers and savings. This is part of a collection of material for The 2018-19 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook. See a complete list of this year's fiscal outlook material on our fiscal outlook budget page.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - The federal government provided $55 billion in funding for Medi-Cal in fiscal year 2014-15, which makes it the largest source of federal funds to the state government. This total includes roughly $3 billion in funds for the Children ’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides healthcare coverage to children in families who earn too much money to qualify for Medi-Cal.

The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections [Publication Details]

Nov 19, 1998 - The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections [Publication Details] Description: In striking contrast to the past two years, when strong revenues provided funds for both tax relief and significant spending increases in education and other program areas, our projections indicate that 1999-00 will be a difficult year.

The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 5, 2016 - The budget sets aside $1.3  billion over two years ($1  billion in 2016 –17 and $0.3  billion in 2017 –18 ) for a new State Project Infrastructure Fund. These funds will be continuously appropriated for the replacement and renovation of various state office buildings.

Overview of the Governor’s Budget: 2008-09 [Publication Details]

Jan 14, 2008 - The Legislature should focus first on those areas where time is of the essence—where early decisions will allow state programs to achieve desired savings in the current year. The special session should also be used to lay the groundwork for achieving budget–year savings—for instance, by developing any program restructurings and taking any necessary actions on the current–year Proposition 98 minimum guarantee.

Supplemental Report of the 1996 Budget Act 1996-97 Fiscal Year [Publication Details]

Jul 7, 1996 - Supplemental Report of the 1996 Budget Act 1996-97 Fiscal Year [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor's Proposition 2 Proposal [Publication Details]

Mar 25, 2015 - The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor's Proposition 2 Proposal [Publication Details] The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor's Proposition 2 Proposal Format: HTML Description: Proposition 2—approved by the voters in November 2014—places formulas into the State Constitution that determine the minimum amount of debt payments and budget reserve deposits to be made in a fiscal year.

State Fiscal Picture 2007-08 [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2007 - Adoption of the plan would also leave the state with large operating shortfalls in future years, unless additional corrective actions are taken. Thus, the Legislature will face major challenges in crafting a budget for the coming year.

An Overview of State Expenditures 2007-08 [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2007 - The Governor’s budget proposes total spending in 2007-08 of $130.8 billion, including $103.1 billion from the state’s General Fund and $27.7 billion from its special funds. This total budget-year spending is $4.2 billion higher than current-year spending—an increase of 3.3 percent. Of total budget-year spending, General Fund spending accounts for about 80 percent.

Overview of the May Revision 1998-99 [Publication Details]

May 18, 1998 - Overview of the May Revision 1998-99 [Publication Details] Description: For the third year in a row, the May Revision reflects a major improvement in the state's fiscal picture. Reports by Policy Area