Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2023-24 Budget: Considering Inflation's Effects on State Programs

Nov 16, 2022 - To support these functions, the state pays a share of counties ’ costs based expected workload. In the case of Medi ‑Cal, state payments to counties for program administration are automatically adjusted for inflation annually.

The 2023-24 Budget: Fiscal Outlook for Schools and Community Colleges

Nov 16, 2022 - Local Property Tax Estimates Reflect Trends in the Housing Market. Growth in property tax revenue is linked with growth in the housing market, but this growth typically lags the market by a few years.

The 2023-24 Budget: Medi-Cal Fiscal Outlook

Nov 16, 2022 - The current MCO tax has been in place since January 2020 and is scheduled under current law to end in December 2022. We project the end of this tax will increase General Fund spending by $1.5 billion in 2023‑24.

Proposition 26 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - Four privately operated racetracks as well as 29 fairs, publicly operated racetracks, and other facilities in 17 counties offer betting on horse racing. The horse racing industry pays state and local fees and taxes.

Proposition 27 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - These expenses include: (1)  any bets made with credits from promotional offers, (2)  prize payments, and (3)  federal gambling taxes. Losses, which result when expenses are more than bets, may be used to offset these payments.

Proposition 30 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - ANALYSIS OF MEASURE BACKGROUND California Personal Income Taxes. The state collects a tax on personal income earned within the state. Last year, the personal income tax raised over $130  billion in revenue.

Proposition 31 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - FISCAL EFFECTS Lower Tobacco Tax Revenues. Proposition 31 likely would reduce state tobacco tax revenues by an amount ranging from tens of millions of dollars to around $100  million annually. (Last year, state tobacco tax revenue was about $2  billion.)

Proposition 28 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - The California Constitution requires the state to set aside a minimum amount of state General Fund and local property tax revenue each year (annually) for public schools and community colleges. (The General Fund is the state ’s main operating account, which pays for education, prisons, health care, and other public services.)

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Child Care and Preschool

Oct 27, 2022 - The Superintendent of Public Instruction is to develop a methodology to determine grant awards to each county based on the number of three- and four-year olds in the county. Funds can be used for a variety of purposes including assessing parental preferences for preschool and engaging in community-level coordination to implemen t preschool options.

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Health

Oct 24, 2022 - Funding for County Eligibility Redeterminations. Once the PHE ends, counties will have 14 months to complete redeterminations of eligibility for all Medi-Cal enrollees. The spending plan includes $18.3  million General Fund ($36.5  million total funds) in 2021-22 and $54.8  million General Fund ($109.5  million total funds) in 2022-23 to support the associated increase in county workload.