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LAO Publications

August 5, 2013 - The sales and use tax is the state’s second largest revenue source as well as a major funding source for cities, counties, and some special districts. Historically, consumers have spent about the same share of their income each year on taxable items, meaning that sales taxes generally kept pace with growth in the state's economy.

Cal Facts 2002: Economy

Currently, the state is adding about 550,000 persons annually —more than a city the size of Long Beach or a state the size of Wyoming. The Inland Counties Have Been Growing the Fastest Total Growth, 1997 Through 2002 The highest population growth rates have occurred mainly in the Central Valley and foothill counties, and in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California.

[PDF] Effects of Part-Time Operation: HOV Lanes on Route 14

Specifi- cally, Caltrans’ plans call for the Route 14 HOV lanes to eventually extend all the way from Palmdale to Interstate 5, where they would Chapter 337, Statutes of 2000 (AB 1871, Runner), prohibited any high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane from being established on State Route 14 between the Cities of Santa Clarita and Palmdale in Los Angeles County unless the lane operates as an HOV lane only during hours of peak commute traffic, beginning January 1, 2001.

2001 Budget Analysis: Overview

In recognition of shifts in property taxes to K-14 schools from cities, counties, and special district s, the current rate is approximately 34.5 percent. Test 2 —Adjustments Based on Statewide Income Prior-year funding adjusted by growth in per capita personal income.

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, Overview

In recognition of shifts in property taxes to K-14 schools from cities, counties, and special districts, the current rate is approximately 34.5  percent. Test 2—Adjustments Based on Statewide Income Prior-year funding adjusted by growth in per capita personal income.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Education, Overview

In recognition of shifts in property taxes to K-14 schools from cities, counties, and special districts, the current rate is approximately 34.5  percent. Test 2 —Adjustments Based on Statewide Income Prior-year funding adjusted by growth in per capita personal income.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Education Overview

In recognition of shifts in property taxes to K-14 schools from cities, counties, and special districts, the current rate is approximately 34.7  percent. Test 2—Adjustments Based on Statewide Income Prior-year funding adjusted by growth in per capita personal income.

[PDF] Redistricting Reform: The Voter Empowerment Act

Among these requirements are: (1) for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1 percent; (2) the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3) the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

[PDF] Redistricting

Among these requirements are: (1) for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1 percent; (2) the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3) the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Fair Voting and Equal Representation Act (version 2)

Among these requirements ar e: (1)  for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 2  percent; (2)  the plan must not dilute the voting strength of minorities; and (3)  the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.