Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of Juvenile Justice System and Education Services in Juvenile Facilities

DJJ Offers Both K-12 and Postsecondary Education L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 7 Counties Offer Similar Education Services County Offices of Education (COEs) Operate County Juvenile Schools „ State law requires COEs to educate youths housed in county juvenile facilities.

[PDF] Overview of the 2009-10 May Revision

California’s cities, counties, and special districts also have been experiencing fiscal stress due to the economic downturn. Some of the Governor’s budget solutions would exacerbate this stress because they (1) decrease local revenues (particularly the property tax) or (2) indirectly increase demand for local pro‑ grams (such as county jails and indigent health programs).

2013 Initiative Analysis: The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2014

The CDE administers various education programs, and allocates funding to various types of local education agencies, including county offices of education, school districts, and charter schools. The CDE ’s budget for tobacco education and prevention programs is estimated at $17 million for 2013 ‑14, with the funding for these programs coming from Proposition 99.

Review of The Orange County Recovery Plan as Proposed August 22, 1995

Review of The Orange County Recovery Plan as Proposed August 22, 1995 A Review of the Orange County Recovery Plan as Proposed August 22,1995 Background On December 6, 1994, Orange County and its investment pool filed for protection under Chapter 9 of the U.S.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: Department of Finance

State Controller TAX COLLECTION DIVISION ITEM 107 of the Budget Bill Budget page 326 Budget line No. 25 For Support of the Tax Collection Division From the Motor Vehicle Transpor- tation Tax Fund . Amount requested ________ ~______________________________ $110;566 Estimated to be expended in the 1949-50 Fiscal Year ______ -' ___ - 108,351 Increase (2.0 percent) __ ,-________________________________ $2,215

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Resources and Environmental Protection

The administration has also argued that the lost property taxes can be particularly challenging for rural counties. While there is some variation, on average, PILT payments to these counties would be a fraction of a percent of their non-school property tax revenues.

[PDF] Overview of Major Public Safety Proposals in the 2020-21 May Revision

These include the withdrawal of $5.8 million General Fund for tax recovery task forces and $2.2 million General Fund for a new Healthcare Rights and Access section ($6.9 million in proposed special fund support for the section is retained). „ Recommend approval of these changes given condition of the state’s General Fund.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

Item 4200 HEALTH AND WELFARE / 835 State Responsibilities Shifted to Counties or Eliminated County Administrative Review Eliminated. Currently, departmental staff provide advice and assistance to county drug and alcohol administra- tors and advisory committees.

[PDF] The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2014

The CDE administers various education programs, and allocates funding to various types of local education agencies, including county offices of education, school districts, and charter schools. The CDE’s budget for tobacco education and prevention programs is estimated at $17 million for 2013-14, with the funding for these programs coming from Proposition 99.  UC’s Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program.

[PDF] The-2022-23-Budget-Governor's-Proposed-County-Operated-Juvenile-Facility-Grant-Program

Youths placed under county supervision are typically allowed to remain with their families with some level of supervision from county probation officers. However, some youths— typically those who have committed more serious crimes—are housed in county juvenile facilities, such as juvenile halls or camps.'s-Proposed-County-Operated-Juvenile-Facility-Grant-Program.pdf