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2000 Budget Perspectives: State Revenues

Figure 1 compares the percentage growth in PIT receipts (adjusted for law changes) to that of the state's other two main taxes (the sales and use tax [SUE D] and the bank and corporation tax [BCT]), as well as to statewide personal income.

[PDF] 2000 Budget Perspectives and Issues: An Overview State Expenditures

Among these have been the realignment of state and county health-related responsibilities in 1991-92, and the pas- sage of Proposition 10 (1998) which imposed additional cigarette and to- bacco taxes.

2000 Budget Perspectives: Overview of State Expenditures

The LPSF was established by Proposition 172 (Novembe r 1993), which made permanent a temporary half-cent increase in the state sales tax and dedicated the revenue to the LPSF for allocation by the Legislature to cities and counties.

[PDF] 2000 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Major Expenditure Proposals

In the discussion that follows, we present our analysis of one of these components—the long-term care tax credit. Long-Term Care Tax Credit. The budget proposes a $500 tax credit for persons who provide or pay for care at home for seniors or disabled indi- viduals of any age.

2000 Budget Analysis: Cap Outlay DOJ 0820

The budget includes $2,108,000 from the General Fund to exercise the purchase option of the Freedom Laboratory (Santa Cruz County), which is currently leased by the department. The department indicates that purchase of the building will result in a net savings over continuing to lease the facility.

2000 Budget Analysis: Cap Outlay DPR/DMH/CDC

The prison system also includes 14 community correctiona l facilities operated by private firms, cities, or counties under contract with the CDC and two county jails leased and operated by the department.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ DOJ 0820

Franchise Tax Board, a case concerning the state's taxing authority over nonresidents; (3) an increase of $6 million from the False Claims Act Fund to address increasing False Claim Act litigation; an d (4) $3.8 million for the Tobacco Litigation Section for enforcement of the Master Settlement Agreement between the tobacco companies and the states and to defend the state agains t attacks on the settlement.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ CDC 5240

We recommend a reduction of $5.7 million for the leasing of jail beds from Los Angeles County. The CDC budget includes funding to pay Los Angeles County for holding 1,400 parole v iolators in its jails.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Youth Auth 5460

This is because the state has implemented a sliding fee schedule that provides the counties with an incentive to commit more serious offenders to the Youth Authority while retaining the less serious offenders at the local level.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Depts #3

2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Depts #3 Analysis of the 2000-01 Budget Bill BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (0860) The Board of Equalization is one of California's major tax collection agencies. The board (1) collects state and local sales and use taxes and a variety of business and excis e taxes and fees, including those levied on gasoline,