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Results for 서울시 tax in Resources

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The 2017-18 Budget: Cap-and-Trade

Feb 13, 2017 - Opportunities to Reduce Taxes. Auction revenue can be used to provide economic benefits. For example, in theory revenue could be used to reduce broad ‑based taxes (such as income or sales taxes), which could help reduce negative impact on economic activity.

The 2017-18 Budget: Cap-and-Trade [Publication Details]

Feb 13, 2017 - We also recommend the Legislature approve cap-and-trade (or carbon tax) with a two-thirds vote because it would provide greater legal certainty and ensure ARB has the ability to design an effective program.

The 2022-23 Budget: Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan

Jan 25, 2022 - For example, the Legislature could use GGRF to provide lump sum rebates to households, reduce other state taxes (such as sales tax rates), or use the funds to reduce retail electricity rates. Importantly, each of these “revenue recycling” options could be structured in a way that maintains cap‑and‑trade’s incentive for households and businesses to reduce GHGs,

Cap-And-Trade Auction Update and GGRF Projections

Dec 6, 2021 - For example, the Legislature could use GGRF to provide lump sum rebates to households, reduce other state taxes (such as sales tax rates), or use the funds to reduce retail electricity rates. Importantly, each of these “revenue recycling” options could be structured in a way that maintains cap‑and‑trade’s incentive for households and businesses to reduce

The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Resources and Environmental Protection

Oct 10, 2022 - The budget authorizes 61 permanent positions, 40 vehicles, and 12 pieces of heavy equipment with an estimated cost of roughly $9  million ongoing to be funded from the continuously appropriated Cannabis Tax Fund.

The 2022-23 Budget: Department of Toxic Substances Control Reform Implementation

Jan 25, 2022 - The account is primarily funded by a broad ‑based tax charged to businesses that contribute to hazardous waste. Department Recently Underwent Significant Governance and Fiscal Reform. Budget trailer legislation as part of the 2021 ‑22 budget package, Chapter  73 of 2021 (S B  158 , Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review), restructured and increased the charges that support HWCA and TSCA.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 14, 2019 - Based on the recent federal approval of a similar tax in Michigan, federal approval of a reauthorized California MCO tax appears likely. Despite this development, the administration did not propose an extension of the MCO tax in 2019 ‑20, forgoing over $ 1  b illion in General Fund benefit.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Oct 18, 2021 - Budget trailer legislation specifies that the state “consents ” to those previous city taxes but prohibits the state ’s share of revenues from being subject to any future local taxes, fees, or assessments without explicit statutory authorization.

The 2022-23 Budget: Wildfire Response Proposals

Jan 28, 2022 - If the Legislature were to reject any of these proposals, it would generally need to repurpose the associated funding for other SAL ‑related purposes, such as tax reductions or an alternative excluded expenditure.

The 2022-23 Budget: Office of Planning and Research Budget Proposals

Feb 9, 2022 - To raise awareness of the Golden State Stimulus (GSS) and the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) programs, the Franchise Tax Board, in partnership with the Department of Community Services and Development (CSD), award grants to CBOs for education and outreach activities.