Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: State Lands Commission (3560)

Most of this increase is to fund remediation activities at a toxic, state-owned site in Selby in Contra Costa County. No Progress in Commission’s Management of School Land Bank Fund The School Land Bank Fund (SLBF) is projected to have a reserve of $59 million by the end of the budget year.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Fish and Game (3600)

The FGPF receives revenues from hunting and fishing licenses and taxes, commercial fishing permits and fees, and environmental review fees paid by project proponents. Each of these revenues can be used for a broad range of purposes related to the activities for which they were collected and are therefore referred to as “nondedicated” accounts by the department.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Water Resources (3860)

The department will begin the process of assessing the structural integrity and capacity of the flood control system in the Central Valley and make repairs to a specified levee in Sacramento County. Additional Capital Outlay Projects-$31.4 Million.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Transportation (2660)

The Governor’s Strategic Growth Plan proposes to divert a quarter of excise tax and weight fee revenues to debt service on revenue bonds to support non-maintenance and non-rehabili tation activities for 30 years beginning in 2015.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: California Highway Patrol (2720)

Average wait times ranged from a low of 4.7 seconds in Orange County to a high of 49.2 seconds in L os Angeles. Proposal Doubles Staffing Level Over Two Years. The department proposes to more than double the size of its call-taking staff over two years, from 325 to 654.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

Additionally, DMV licenses and regulates vehicle-related businesses such as automobile dealers and driver training schools, and a lso collects certain fees and tax revenues for state and local agencies.

[PDF] LAO 2007-08 Budget Analysis: Judicial and Criminal Justice

This funding is split between the state and the counties, with an increasing share going to the counties over time. Proposition 69 required the counties to collect these fines. The state’s portion was to be deposited in the newly created state DNA Identification Fund (the DNA ID Fund).

[PDF] Part v—majOr issues facing the LegisLature Governor’s

Part v—majOr issues facing the LegisLature Governor’s Tax Proposals Make Sense  The Governor is proposing to permanently eliminate the existing teacher retention tax credit, which was adopted in 2000 but was suspended in four of the past six years.

[PDF] Analysis of the 2008-09 Budget Bill, Education Chapter

The current base revenue limit represents the single largest source of funds to schools—$31 billion in state funds and local property taxes—and is designed to pay for the basic cost of education for students.

[PDF] Analysis of the 2008-09 Budget Bill, Health and Social Services Chapter

In addition, Placer County has achieved significant savings in accounting, reporting, and contracting costs. Specifically, Placer County estimates that it has reduced its accounting, reporting, and contracting workload by 1,600 hours annu- ally.