Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget

.  Remainder consists of various fund shifts, including a major transportation tax proposal as well as proposals to put measures relating to early childhood development funds and mental health funds on June ballot.  If federal relief does not materialize, Governor’s plan proposes to trigger certain revenue increases and expenditure reductions.

Propositions 30 and 38 [Publication Details]

Sep 17, 2012 - Presented to Alameda County Office of Education

Updates concerning April 2014 California tax collections.

May 11, 2014 - For the state 's "Big Three " General Fund taxes--the personal income tax (PIT), the corporation tax (CT), and the sales tax--April 2014 collections were a combined $529 million above the most recent projecti ons for that month.

[PDF] Addressing the Federal Court Prison Population Cap

The plan also proposes a fi ve-person panel to establish a new population cap.  Establishes Grant Program to Incentivize Counties to Reduce Prison Commitments. The plan proposes a program modeled after SB 678, which incentivized counties to reduce probation revocations to state prison.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: Department of Agriculture

The livestock disease control function has a total budget of $759,169 and provides for five diagnostic laboratories at the following locations: Sacramento, Sacramento County San Gabriel, 1.1os AngeJes County Petaluma, Sonoma County Turlock, Stanislaus County :B~resno, Fresno County Bovine Brucellosis Control The bovine brucellosis control program was authorized by Chapter 1460 of the 1947 Statutes.

[PDF] Juvenile dependency proceedings.

County child welfare departments and county attorneys would experience a one-time increase in workload to the extent that individuals choose to reopen juvenile dependency cases that were closed without a jury trial.

[PDF] Overview of State Criminal Fines and Fees and Probation Fees

Of this amount, about 80 percent went to the counties. Majority of Fine and Fee Revenue Distributed to the State 2015-16 a Split between courts (state government) and counties (local government) depending on who is actually collecting the delinquent payments.

Fewer tax refunds than projected in March. 13-14 revenues still above Governor's forecast.

Apr 16, 2014 - Sales Taxes Slightly Below Forecast for March. As of the end of February, sales taxes were $127 million below DOF ’s projections for 2013-14. Preliminary March data shows that sales taxes were just slightly below the DOF estimate for the month, bringing the 2013-14 year-to-date total for these taxes to $139 million below forecast.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill

County Costs May Be a State Reimbursable Mandate. Once the DMH refers an SVP to the county counsel or district attorney, the costs associated with the civil proceedings are the responsibility of the counties.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Mandates

The programs are the STAR program, which tests students in grades 2 through 11, and the County Office of Education Fiscal Accountability Reporting program, which requires county office oversight of school district budgeting processes.