Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2023-24 Budget: CalWORKs

Feb 22, 2023 - Among the most notable changes made to CalWORKs in the past three budgets were: Providing a temporary 10  percent grant increase funded by General Fund and extending from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024.

The 2023-24 Budget: Analysis of Child Welfare Proposals and Implementation Updates

Feb 22, 2023 - As part of the broader California Behavioral Health Community ‑Based Continuum federal waiver demonstration project, the administration proposes $10.6  million General Fund in 2023 ‑24 for increased child welfare workload costs under DSS beginning January 1, 2024.

The 2023-24 Budget: Health Workforce Budget Solutions

Feb 21, 2023 - For example, the University of California ’s medical schools rely on a mix of state support, student tuition and fee revenue, and faculty clinical revenue to support their operations. Three Key Issues Regarding California ’s Health Workforce.

The 2023-24 Budget: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Major Capital Outlay Proposals

Feb 21, 2023 - As noted above, the Governor ’s request includes $3.9  million in 2023 ‑24 (decreasing to $3.4  million annually beginning in 202425) for 12  facility staff to consult with DGS as it manages the training center project, as well as other potential capital outlay projects at CFTC ‑Ione that may be identified in the forthcoming master plan.

Changes in University of California General Fund Spending [EdBudget]

Feb 16, 2023 - Changes in University of California General Fund Spending [EdBudget]     a The state originally scheduled $200 million in 2022-23, $200 million in 2023-24, and $100 million in 2024-25 for this project.

The 2023-24 Budget: One-Time K-12 Spending Proposals

Feb 16, 2023 - (A  total of 390 schools were eligible.) Second, the budget provided $25  million for a COE to develop and provide statewide training for educators to become literacy coaches and reading specialists.

The 2023-24 Budget: The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Feb 16, 2023 - The  ongoing reductions consist of: $132  million and 777 positions associated with the deactivation of CCC. $33  million and 166 positions (increasing to $136  million and 647 positions by 202425) associated with the deactivation of CAC. $114  million and 659 positions (increasing to $150  million and 877 positions by 202425) from the six yard deactivations.

The 2023-24 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Major Behavioral Health Proposals

Feb 16, 2023 - Half of the delayed funds would be provided in 202425 with the remaining amount provided in 2025‑26. In addition, the Governor’s budget proposes to delay $250 million in BHBH funding previously budgeted in 2023‑24 to 202425.

U.S. Retail Sales Update: January 2023 [EconTax Blog]

Feb 15, 2023 - For three straight years, we have seen weak sales in November or December followed by very strong growth in January. This pattern suggests that the Census Bureau’s seasonal adjustment for retail sales might not be working as intended.

The 2023-24 Budget: University of California

Feb 15, 2023 - Most capital projects of this scale are debt ‑financed, with costs effectively spread over many years consistent with a facility ’s useful life. Using such an approach, the state would save a total of $154.5  million General Fund from 2022 ‑23 through 202425.