Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] A Report on the Child Care Reimbursement System

Some nonprofit child care organizations also received funds from local county governments. -18- In June 1976, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 3059 (Chapter 355, Statutes of 1976) which authorized the funding of Alternative Child Care programs.

[PDF] The New Prison Construction Program at Midstream

Chapter 1549, Statutes of 1982, authorized three 500-bed medium security prisons and a 200-bed support service unit in Los Angeles County. The department's 1983 Plan anticipated completion of the facility in May 1987, at a cost of $141.4 million.

[PDF] Special Education in California: A Sunset Review

For instance, if the amount of assessment and IEP-related activities which districts and county offices are currently required to perform were sufficiently reduced, the resulting savings could be used to offset local costs which some SELPAs would incur from hiring additional specialists.

[PDF] The 1987 Budget Act: A Summary

Table 9 General Fund Revenues and Transfers (dollars in millions> Change Revenue Source 1986-87 1987-88 Amount Percent Bank and corporation taxes $4,751 $4,980 $229 4.8% Personal income taxes 13,923 13,710 -213 -1.5 Sales and use taxes 10,921 11,546 625 5.7 Other revenues and transfers 2,883 3,042 159 5.5 Totals, General Fund Revenues and

[PDF] Executive Summary Executive Summary The state's sales and use

Executive Summary Executive Summary The state's sales and use tax is comprised of two separate but similar taxes. The sales tax is imposed on retailers for the privilege of kll- ing tangible personal property in California. · The incidence of the sales tax is on the retailer, which means that the retailer is responsible for

[PDF] Report on the 1988-89 Tax Expenditure Budget: Overview and Selected Reviews

Table 4 Identifiable State Revenue Losses from Sales and Use Tax Expenditure Programs in 1988-89 . (dollars in millions) Type ofTax Expenditure Program Food products Gas, electricity and water Vessels and aircraft (various programs) Cargo and returnable containers Agricultural feed, seeds and fertilizers Prescription medicines Candy and confectionery items Sales of mobilehomes

[PDF] A Perspective on the California Economy

These also are the areas with the lowest unemployment rates and highest per capita income levels. • In the case of agriculture, activity is most concentratedin the CentralValley,where the three counties of Fresno, Kern and Tulare account for over one-third of the state's total agricultural output. • There also is considerable variation in the nonagricultural industry mixin different regions of the state.

[PDF] The Public Utilities Commission: A Review of Regulatory Fee Funding

This self-financing feature elimi- nates the need to find monies - either from existing or new taxes - to fund program changes. Given these factors, it is possible that pro- grams funded by regulatory fees do not re- ceive the same level of oversight as tax-sup- ported activities.

[PDF] State Reimbursement of Mandated Local Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded in 1987

Chapter VIII Mobilehome Property Tax Postponement 1. Chapter 1051, Statutes of 1983, imposes a mandate because it requires counties to proc- ess certificates ofeligibility, and file them with the State Controller's Qffice (SCQ), notify the SCQ of changes in ownership, and conduct various other activities related to the Mobile- home Property Tax Postponement Program. 2.

[PDF] Judicial Reviews of State Developmental Center Placements: Implementation of the In re Hop Decision

Hearings by the Court Counties have two implementation options affecting hearing costs. First, counties could use commissioners/ referees instead of judges to hear the cases. Second, counties could hold hearings for SDC residents on the SDC grounds instead of the county courthouse.