Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Under existing law, this MCO tax expires June 30, 2016. The state uses the tax revenue to draw down federal Medicaid funds. The state then uses these federal funds to (1) reimburse Medi-Cal MCOs for the amount of tax paid and (2) offset General Fund spending in Medi-Cal.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Indigent Adult Program

We discuss the so-called "poison pill " provisions of realignment that could affect VLF revenues in our discussion of "Tax Relief " (Item 9100) provisions of the budget plan in the "General Government " chapter of this Analysis .

[PDF] Figure x_Funding per FTE

Figure x_Funding per FTE $8,064 Higher Education Funding Per Full-Time Equivalent Student Notes: Includes General Fund, fee revenue net of discounts, and local property taxes. In 2016-17, tuition discounts per full-time equivalent (FTE) student are projected to be $4,265 at UC, $1,676 at CSU, and $665 at CCC.

California's Fiscal Outlook 1996-97 Through 1998-99 Table of Contents

Our fiscal projections reflect current-law spending requirements and tax provisions. They are not predictions of future policy decisions by the Legislature, nor are they our recom mendations as to what spending and revenue levels should be.

[PDF] LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

(This tax is in addition to unemployment taxes that support ben- efit payments.) When reserves in the federal accounts for administration, extended benefits, and loans reach statutory caps, the excess is distrib- uted to states based on their share of FUTA taxes paid.


Where services are performed for cities or counties, reason- able reimbursement might be made from the unrefunded part of the Avia- tion Fuel Tax Fund. During the Fiscal Year 1949-50, $198,684 was paid to counties and $112,666 to cities from unrefunded aviation fuel tax.

[PDF] Environmental sustainability education in schools.

The state meets the minimum requirement by providing schools with funding from local property tax revenue and state tax revenue. Proposal Establishes Environmental Training Requirements for All Teachers and Students.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The Motorist Protection Act

Moreover, by capping the fees and taxes assessed on commercial vehicles, the measure would result in an annual reduction in commercial vehicle license fee revenues of between $700 million and $800 million.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Education, 2002-03 Mid-Year Revisions: Proposition 98

(State spending is defined as General Fund support and local property taxes dedicated to special education.) States that do not maintain the prior-year level of spending may experience a reduction in federal funds.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Proposition 10 Early Childhood Development Programs (4250)

We would also note that while these would generally be ongoing savings, the level of savings would likely decline over time because taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products are a slowly declining revenue source.