Results for 서울시 tax

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2005-06 Overview of the Governor's Budget

While the Governor's budget assumes 8.9  percent growth in local property tax revenues, a technical adjustment related to the state's vehicle license fee obligation reduces the year-to-year increase in 2005-06.

[PDF] 2006-07 Overview of the Governor's Budget

These include primarily private investments in transportation facilities and future transportation bonds that would be backed by state gas tax and weight fee revenues and future federal transportation funds.

[PDF] California Budget Responsibility Act

Vote Requirement to Increase Taxes Unchanged. The measure does not change the vote requirement for bills increasing taxes, which would still require a two-thirds vote of each house. Fiscal Effect State Spending.

[PDF] California Marriage Equality Act (Amendment #1-S)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

[PDF] The McCauley Pension Recovery Act

While the proposed excise tax is not technically a tax on current income, the outcome is similar (especially since this measure allows the excise tax to be paid over time). As a result, the excise tax may not survive a legal chal- lenge.

[PDF] The Taxpayers Right to Vote Act

To the extent that changes in electricity rates affect business profits, sales, and taxable income, these factors could affect state and lo- cal tax revenues. The net fiscal effect of all of these factors on the finances of state and local govern- ment agencies is unknown.

[PDF] The Continuous Coverage Auto Insurance Discount Act

Insurance Premium Tax. Under current law, insurance companies doing business in California pay an insurance premium tax in lieu of a state corporate income tax. The tax is based on the amount of insurance premiums the insurer earned in the state each year for automobile insurance as well as for other types of coverage, such as fire and health insurance.

[PDF] The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 (Amendment #1-S)

State and local gov- ernments could realize additional revenues from sales taxes generated by commercial producers of marijuana. The state could also realize additional income tax revenues from the production and sale of marijuana.

[PDF] Grass Roots Initiative Reform Act (Amendment #2-S)

Un- der this measure, the Constitution would be amended to specify that tax levy measures passed by the Legislature would not go into effect immediately. The measure also would provide that tax levy measures, as well as “urgency statutes” (bills approved by two-thirds of the Members of the Legislature in order to take effect immediately), would be subject to the voters approving or rejecting them through the referendum process.

[PDF] Marriage Equality (version 3)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over Hon. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 2 October 30, 2009 the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.