Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2007 Initiative Analysis: Safe Neighborhoods Act: Protect Victims, Stop Gang, Gun, and Street Crime (Amendment #1-S)

In addition, this measure redistributes the State Penalty Fund in a way that increases support for training for peace officers, corrections staff, prosecutors, and public defenders, as well as various victims’ services programs, while eliminating the existing transfer of money to the state General Fund and the Department of Education.

2009 Initiative Analysis: The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 (Amendment #1-S)

The measure permits local governments to impose general, excise, or transfer taxes, as well as benefit assessments and fees, on authorized marijuana-related activities. It specifies that the purpose of such taxes, assessments, and fees is to allow local governments to raise revenue or to offset any costs associated with marijuana regulation.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Implementation of “AB 32”—Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006

Rather, the bulk of the AB 32 funding for the budget year comes from continuing to draw down special fund balances that were either carried over from previous years or made possible by proposed loans or transfers from other special funds.

[PDF] Highlights of the Analysis and P&I

Page 10 Press Release »- Small Business Loan Guarantee Programs Should Be Consolidated • Transferring the responsibilities of the California Export Finance Program to the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program would help the state increase the number of loans guaranteed without additional cost to the General Fund (Analysis, page G-55). »- Will the Defense Conversion Matching Grant Program Help California's Defense Conversion?

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Index

.'-__________________ 841 Long Beach State College ____________________________________________ 261, 751 Los Angeles Center, California Industries for the Blind _____________________ 282 Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences __________________ 262, 753 Los Guilucos School for Girls __________________________ '_-------------188, 738 881 Index M Page Marine Fisheries Commission,

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Deficit Prevention Act (version 4)

Proposition  58 (approved by voters in March  2004) established a specific General Fund reserve entitled the Budget Stabilization Account (BSA) and requires that annual amounts of General Fund revenues be transferred to the a ccount beginning in 2006 ‑07.

[PDF] Focus Budget 1995: Highlighting Major Features of the 1995 California Budget

The budget includes a one-time transfer of $20 million from the Employment Training Fund to support the GAIN Program, for a corresponding Gen- eral Fund savings in 1995-96. The budget also reflects a General Fund reduction of $20 million for the GAIN Program, with the funding to be replaced by a reappropriation of prior-year unexpended balances in the program.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Alcohol Beverage Control

Among the alternatives are in- creased fees, a discontinuance of the transfer of funds to the General Fund for support of the ]'ire Marshal under Section 9575 of the Busi- ness and Professions Code, and a change in the basis for enforcing safety in this industry, or the reduction of operating costs_ It should be noted in this latter regard that the agency's workload as reflected by numbers of licensees and applications has been declining in recent years.

[PDF] LAO 1996 Perspectives and Issues: STATE FISCAL PICTURE

LAO 1996 Perspectives and Issues: STATE FISCAL PICTURE Revenues and transfers 44,991 45,571 1.3% Total resources available $44,649 $45,973 Expenditures $44,246 $45,242 2.3% Ending fund balance $403 $731 Reserve $50 $404 Detail may not add to totals due to rounding. 6 Part I: State Fiscal Picture The proposed 1996-97 spending levels reflect about $2.4 billion in savings relative

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Index

.: __ ~ ______________ 488 Maritime Academy, California (Education) _____________________________ 253, 689 Marketing Research, Co-operation With Federal Government (Agriculture) ____ 34 Master Plan for Higher Education _____________________________________ 144, 186 Medical Examiners, Board oL ________________________ ~ ___________________ 567 Medical Facility (Corrections)