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Capital Outlay (74)
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Results for irish state pension in Capital Outlay

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The 2016-17 Budget: Review of UC’s Merced Campus Expansion Proposal [Publication Details]

Feb 10, 2016 - In it, we provide background on the Merced campus and the state process for approving capital outlay projects at UC, describe key aspects of the proposed project, and raise four key issues for the Legislature to consider.

The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor's State Office Building Proposal

Feb 9, 2016 - Of course, as it makes these decisions, the Legislature will want to consider how it prioritizes spending on state office buildings against other potential priorities for infrastructure funding —such as repairing roads and highways —as well as other priorities for General Fund spending —such as addressing pension liabilities.

The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor's State Office Building Proposal [Publication Details]

Feb 9, 2016 - The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor's State Office Building Proposal [Publication Details] The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor's State Office Building Proposal Format: HTML Description: The Governor’s budget for 2016–17 proposes one–time funding of $1.5 billion from the General Fund to be deposited into a new State Office Infrastructure Fund.

The 2015-16 Budget: Addressing Deferred Maintenance in State Office Buildings [Publication Details]

Mar 19, 2015 - The 2015-16 Budget: Addressing Deferred Maintenance in State Office Buildings [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor’s General Fund Deferred Maintenance Proposal [Publication Details]

Feb 9, 2015 - The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor’s General Fund Deferred Maintenance Proposal [Publication Details] The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor’s General Fund Deferred Maintenance Proposal Format: HTML Description: The Governor’s budget proposes $125 million from the General Fund to address deferred maintenance backlogs in state facilities managed by various departments.

The 2014-15 Budget: A Review of the 2014 California Five-Year Infrastructure Plan [Publication Details]

Feb 10, 2014 - We also find that the plan raises some important policy issues related to the financing and maintenance of state infrastructure and serves as a valuable starting point for legislative discussions. However, we note that the plan does not include some key information and suggest some changes that could make the plan more helpful to the Legislature.

Overview of State Infrastructure Bonds [Publication Details]

Feb 26, 2013 - Overview of State Infrastructure Bonds [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending [Publication Details]

Aug 25, 2011 - Throughout the report, we also highlight ways the state could manage infrastructure to reduce state costs such as prioritizing the state’s infrastructure investments to the most critical and appropriate programs, adopting strategies to reduce infrastructure demand, and identifying additional revenue to support infrastructure.

Sale Leaseback of State Office Buildings [Publication Details]

Nov 9, 2010 - Sale Leaseback of State Office Buildings [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell Its Office Buildings? [Publication Details]

Apr 27, 2010 - Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell Its Office Buildings? [Publication Details] Video Description: Recent legislation authorized the Department of General Services (DGS) to sell and then lease back 11 state-owned office properties.