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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Capital Outlay

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Flexible Facility Utilization Standards: Higher Education [Publication Details]

Nov 12, 2003 - Current state standards for utilization of higher education instructional facilities can be simplified and made more flexible. We recommend restating these standards on the basis of "annual hours of station use per year." This would both simplify the standards and accommodate year-round operation.

Evaluating California's Pursuit of Zero Net Energy State Buildings

Nov 14, 2017 - Under this approach, the discounted costs and benefits are estimated for each year. The discounted payback period is the number of years at which the total discounted benefits of a project surpass the total discounted costs.

Cogeneration Equipment Investments: The Effects of Rapid Amortization [Publication Details]

Jun 1, 1985 - In 1980, the California Legislature enacted AB 1404 (Chapter 1328, Statutes of 1980), which shortened the time period over which certain cogeneration equipment can be depreciated for California tax purposes.

The 2018-19 Budget: The May Revision—State Project Infrastructure Fund

May 14, 2018 - In our view, it makes sense for the state to invest in the repair and renovation of its physical assets in order to ensure that they can continue to provide services for years to come. Furthermore, the Facility Condition Assessments determined that the existing Resources Building, Bateson Building, and Unruh Building were in poor condition.

Bonds and the November 1994 Ballots [Publication Details]

Aug 9, 1994 - The following factors must be considered as the Legislature makes these decisions. (1) Tens of billions of dollars will be needed over the next five years to meet the state’s identified capital outlay needs; (2) Only $1.3 billion of previously authorized general; obligation bonds are available to address these needs; (3) How well the state addresses its capital outlay needs will

Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell Its Office Buildings? [Publication Details]

Apr 27, 2010 - In our view, taking on long-term obligations—like the lease payments on these buildings—in exchange for one-time revenue to pay for current services is bad budgeting practice as it simply shifts costs to future years.

Implementing AB 900's Prison Construction and Rehabilitation Initiatives [Publication Details]

May 14, 2009 - For example, we note that the department’s construction cost estimates for the infill bed projects reflect an almost quadrupling of costs since the last state prison was built about seven years ago. Moreover, we find that the cost to operate the infill bed and reentry facilities and pay the annual debt service for the lease-revenue bonds to construct these facilities will be significant.

UC Research Facilities [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - UC Research Facilities [Publication Details] HTML Description: The University of California (UC) receives billions of dollars a year from faculty research contracts and grants (primarily with the federal government and private companies and organizations).

Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - We recommend the Legislature provide funding for higher education capital outlay based on statewide priorities and criteria, using reasonable construction cost guidelines, and on the basis of year-round operations.

Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - As in the past, we recommend the Legislature fund higher education capital outlay based on year-round operation, statewide priorities and criteria, reasonable construction cost guidelines, and appropriate utilization of existing facilities.