Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Improving High School: A Strategic Approach

As the name suggests, these agencies provide regional support for vocational education, primarily through county offices of education. In urban counties, ROC/Ps are sometimes administered by consortia of school districts (known as “joint powers agencies ”) or very large districts.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

Likewise, we find the Highway Patrol, in strict accord with the Vehicle Code's definition of "highway," pa- trolling county roads. On some of these traffic is light and accidents fewer than at key points on the "main line" beats.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Alcohol Beverage Control

Transportation Chapter 2091, Statutes of 1957, in effect September 11, 1957, pro- vides that the State Highway Commission and the Department of Pub- lic Works shall set aside each year, starting with 1958-59, $5,000,000 to be used to assist cities and counties in constructing grade crossing separation structures at points where railroads and city streets or county roads intersect.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Economies and Efficiencies

(c) That commissions to county treasurers for collection of the tax and other services, which amounted to $460,000 in 1957-58 be elimi- nated, with payment of the tax to be made direct to the State and any needed services now performed by county treasurers to be performed by state employees.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

General Summary Mental Hygiene Department of Mental Hygiene-Continued It appears that several counties are aware of their responsibilities in this area. A completely state-financed day treatment program might very well have the effect of curtailing any further expansion of day treatment within the Short-Doyle program.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Preliminary

Under these assumptions the anticipated rev- enues are shown for the 1962-63 and the 1963-64 fiscal years in the following table: Sales and use ~ax _________ _ Bank and corporation tax __ _ Personal income tax ______ _ Insurance tax ____________ _ Inheritance and gift tax ___ _ Cigarette tax _____________ _

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transportation

When amounts for support for the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Ve- hicle, appropriated by the Legislature, have been withdrawn from this fund, the balance goes into the Highway Users Tax Fund which can .471 Highway Patrol Item 189 Department of California Highway Patrol-Continued be used by the State, cities and counties for highway and road con- struction and related safety devices.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Industrial

Consideration may be given to funding the support of the Divi- sion of Industrial Accidents and the Industrial Accident Commission from a premium tax on Workmen's Compensation Insurance as is done in a number of other states.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Fire Marshal

., state colleges, state institutions and other state-owned}____ 367 City and county facilities____________________ 224 Hospitals ___________________________________ 2,369 Welfare facilities ____________________________ 2,671 Camps __________________________ .___________ 124 Schools ____ .:.. ________________________________ 2,449 Public assembly facilities _____________ ~

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Commerce

The authority has been trans- , ferred to the City and County of San Francisco and appears only for \, the purpose of reporting 1967-68 expenditures. '- The Department of Commerce requests a General Fund appropria- tion of $824,847 to support its various programs in 1969-70.