Results for irish state pension

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[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Military

The increase in this budget reflects primarily the expansion of the military program to provide armories and installations throughout the State for National Guard training. It has been a policy of the State to build armories in many communities.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles

We recommend deletion of this amount with an appropriate adjustment of the agency budget by the Department of Finance to permit the payment of mileage for rental of cars from the state pool. We also· recommend augmentation of the Purchasing Revolving Fund in an amount sufficient to permit the furnishing of adequate automotive service to the agency from the state pool either on a day-to-day basis or monthly assignment basis.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Health

Administer a state-wide program for prevention and care of tuberculosis. 12. Administer the Federal and State assistance programs forhos- pital construction and provide a licensing program for hospitals. 13.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

This section extends for one year the life of certain appropriations - made to Fresno State College in prior years from the State College Fund. The projects involved have not yet all been entirely completed and this additional time is required. .

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Index

NeUes School for Boys ___________________________________________ 281 Free Textbooks (Education) _____________________________________________ 825 Fresno State Oollege _________________________________________________ 354, 779 Fricot Ranch School for Boys ____________________________________________ 274 Fuel Tax, Motor Vehicle, Refund Division (Oontroller) _____________________

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Executive

In this they had the assistance of federal and other state com- munication facilities, as well as amateur radio operators. During this time the Office of Civil Defense was also designated by the Governor as the over-all federal-state coordinating disaster relief agency through which the State of California would receive federal assistance as pro- vided in P.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: General Administration

In our general comments above we stated that we do not recommend expanding any training services in the Personnel Board until there are more clearly established goals and- methods of conducting training on a state-wide level.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Education

The State provides all necessary materials and personnel for con- sultation and advice on the program and periodic investigations are made to determine if local districts are complying with state standards.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

We feel that the experiences of other state highway patrol organizations and municipal traffic departments ably demonstrates the value of this equip- ment. Surveys of Use of This Equipment by Other States The Legislative Auditor's Office has corresponded with the 10 states. which are among the largest users of this equipment in an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of this equipment.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

At the present time there are 225 high schools in the State that do not offer a course in military education and which are eligible to participate in the state program. Many new schools will be constructed during the next five years; 35 new schools are being con- structed in districts where cadet corps units are established.