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[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Public Works

A proposal has been made to use the $150,000,000 impounded in Long Beach tideland royalties; $75,000,000 in the State's rainy-day fund; an expected $50,000,000 General Fund surplus and $25,000,000 in bonuses on oil leases, in addition to $35,000,000 received annually by the State from oil royalties and place these amounts in a fund to finance the construction of state water projects.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Welfare

The commission also reports on facilities, pro- grams and activities of recreation in the State and cooperates with other state agencies and interested groups in devising a recreational plan for the State.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

The State of California has since 1949 required the Personnel Board to submit recommendations designed to maintain salary comparability between state and outside employment. The Legislature has consistently appropriated funds to implement this poliey.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Such agreements may provide for financial assistance by the State but the state total contribution shall not exceed 50 percent of the entire cost of the proposed activity. This item would continue state assistance for mosquito control at the same level as established for the current year.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

The duty of the committee in this respect is set forth in Joint Rule No. 37 as follows: "It shall be the duty of the committee to ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislature and to the houses thereof concerning the State Budget, the revenues and expenditures of the State, and of the organization and functions of the State, its

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

This is a cost governed by the statutes and the State Constitution. Support of state colleges, the State Univer- sity, and special schools totals 142.3 million dollars while capital outlay expenditures for educational facilities at the state level call for 83.9 millioll dollars of the Budget total.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Legislative

The Budget Bill con- tains, in addition to the items of appropriation for most of the state agencies included in the classification State Operations, the institutional _ construction or capital outlay items, as well as a number of local assist- ance apportionments and a group of budget control sections.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Executive

It appears that there is a sufficient level of justifiable activity in various engineering fields in the State Disaster Office to make the establishment of a full time position to cover the work, an appropriate step in adjusting the organization of the State Disaster Office.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

At the present time, 29 states are cooperating in this prog-ram, to which the Federal Government contributes $5,000 as a reimbursement to the State for expenses incurred gathering this data. At the time this contract was entered into it was felt that existing staff could compile the necessary information.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Military

A second category of federal support not shown in the state budget totals approximately $7,500,000, almost the entire amount being for drill pay of the ground and air forces. A third category is the amount expended for major combat equip- ment-artillery, aircraft, radars, tanks-made available to the Califor- nia National Guard from U.