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Results for quezon city transfer of ownership in General Government

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Evaluation of the Property Tax Postponement Program

Oct 8, 2018 - In particular, fund balances above $ 20  m illion at the end of 2016 ‑17 and $ 15  m illion at the end of 2017 ‑18 (and each subsequent year) transfer to the General Fund. In 2017 ‑18, the balance of the fund exceeded the threshold by $5. 7  m illion and that amount was transferred to the General Fund.

The 2018-19 Budget: Review of Fair Political Practices Commission Budget and Workload

May 7, 2018 - FPPC also soon will be reimbursed by the City of Sacramento for a new contract with that city. The budget in 2018 ‑19 assumes that FPPC will receive $741,000 in reimbursement from its agreement with the County of San Bernardino.

The 2018-19 Budget: Administration of the 2017 Housing Package

Feb 8, 2018 - In 2018-19, proceeds from the charge will be split evenly between (1) grants to cities and counties to update land use planning documents and (2) assistance to homeless individuals and families. Beginning in 2019-20, most of the proceeds will go to cities and counties to fund affordable rental and ownership housing for low- and middle-income households.

The 2018-19 Budget: Department of Consumer Affairs

Feb 6, 2018 - Transfer of Department of Real Estate LAO Bottom Line. The Governor ’s budget proposes to reduce 11 positions and $1.3  million annually (Real Estate Fund) for DCA beginning in 2018 ‑19 to reflect the transfer of CalBRE out of DCA.

The 2018-19 Budget: Department of Consumer Affairs [Publication Details]

Feb 6, 2018 - The 2018-19 Budget: Department of Consumer Affairs [Publication Details] The 2018-19 Budget: Department of Consumer Affairs Format: HTML Description: The Governor’s budget proposes to reduce 11 positions and $1.3 million annually (Real Estate Fund) for the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) beginning in 2018‑19 to reflect the transfer of the Bureau of Real Estate (CalBRE) out of DCA.

The Property Tax Inheritance Exclusion

Oct 9, 2017 - Local governments in California —cities , counties, schools, and special districts —levy property taxes on property owners based on the value of their property. Property taxes are a major revenue source for local governments, raising nearly $60  billion annually.

The Property Tax Inheritance Exclusion [Publication Details]

Oct 9, 2017 - When a property changes hands the taxes paid for the property often increase substantially. This is not true for most inherited property. Three decades ago, the Legislature and voters decided inherited property should not be reassessed when transferred. This has been a consequential decision. Many have benefited from the tax savings this policy affords.

July 2017 Update: Los Angeles’ Bid for the Olympics and Paralympics

Jul 6, 2017 - Prospective Olympic host cities must commit to execute the IOC ’s Host City Contract upon being awarded the Olympics. The contract requires the host city to deliver the Olympics and Paralympics as scheduled, using funds from domestic and IOC sources and working cooperatively with the IOC and other stakeholders.

The 2017-18 Budget: Considering the State's Role in Elections

Mar 30, 2017 - Cities, special districts, and schools pay for a share of elections costs as well. Often, these local governments reimburse the county based on the proportion of the ballot dedicated to the local governments ’ candidates and issues.

Update on Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics

Mar 23, 2017 - City Agreements City of Los  Angeles Is Lead Public Guarantor. Before LA  2024 submitted its final bid documents to the IOC, the Los  Angeles City Council formally agreed to provide a number of contractual guarantees required for Olympic bid cities.