Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Building Permits Update: February 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 7, 2021 - Only 750 units were permitted outside of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties. This weak showing came on the heels of three strong months, and one month of data is not sufficient to conclude that the market is slowing.

Home Prices Update: February 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 5, 2021 - The graph below shows appreciation over the past 12 months for the state ’s 15 largest counties, and suggests that the shift to remote work has been a key factor in recent price changes. San Francisco has long been northern California ’s largest business hub, and historically a large share of its work force has commuted in from other counties.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: March 1 - March 29 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 30, 2021 - Income Tax Withholding Tracker: March 1 - March 29 [EconTax Blog] Income Tax Withholding Tracker: March 1 - March 29 March 30, 2021 Brian Uhler Bottom Line: California income tax withholding collections in March to date are 20.3 percent above March 2020.

The 2021-22 Budget: “Cradle to Career” Data System

Mar 26, 2021 - Specifically, the system includes early education programs, elementary and secondary schools, county offices of education, community colleges, and universities in both the public and private sectors.

The 2021-22 Budget: Assessment of CalHEERS Dashboard [Publication Details]

Mar 25, 2021 - Supplemental report language adopted by the Legislature in 2020-21 directed our office to provide an assessment of a new dashboard developed by the administration for Medi-Cal eligibility functionality issues in the California Healthcare Eligibility, Enrollment, and Retention System—an information technology system.

The 2021-22 Budget: Assessment of CalHEERS Dashboard

Mar 25, 2021 - CalHEERS refers individuals determined by the system to be likely eligible for Medi ‑Cal to county eligibility workers for final eligibility determination. County staff then use both CalHEERS and the Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS) to determine final program eligibility.

Flexible Funding to California in the American Rescue Plan

Mar 23, 2021 - Cities and counties will receive fiscal recovery funds based on a set of formulas that considers the jurisdiction ’s population, among other factors. The federal government will distribute funds directly to all counties and cities with populations greater than 50,000.

February 2021 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Mar 22, 2021 - February 2021 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog] Seth Kerstein February gross revenue collections (before accounting for refunds) from the state ’s three largest taxes —the personal income tax, corporation tax, and sales tax —were ahead of budget projections by $1.6 billion (14 percent).

The 2021-22 Budget: Department of Toxic Substances Control

Mar 19, 2021 - For example, should there be a sunset date for tax exemptions on midsized  businesses? Adopt a Tax Package That Raises Sufficient Revenues to Pay for Desired Expenditures. To address the ongoing structural imbalance, we recommend the Legislature adopt a tax structure for TSCA that aligns with its expenditure priorities.

Child Custody and Juvenile Dependency. [Ballot]

Mar 17, 2021 - This measure could result in an ongoing increase in county workload to the extent that jurisdictional hearings that currently are decided by a judge are instead decided by a jury. For example, child welfare departments and/or county attorneys may need to spend more time preparing for jury trials because of the different rules related to how and what informa tion can be presented to a jury.