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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Health

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The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 9, 2022 - With the expiration of the existing MCO tax at the end of 2022 and the anticipated start of new Medi ‑Cal managed care contracts in 2024, the MCO tax could be renewed for calendar year 2023 without being subject to the complications resulting from reprocurement.

The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Department of State Hospitals Budget

Feb 11, 2020 - Treatment Team and Primary Care Staffing Proposal This proposal requests $ 32  m illion General Fund and 80. 9 p ositions in 2020 ‑21, ramping up to $64. 2  m illion General Fund and 250. 2 p ositions in 202425, and ongoing at that amount thereafter, for two separate components within DSH —treatment teams and primary care.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Care Economy Workforce Development Package

Mar 10, 2022 - School Behavioral Health Counselors and Coaches 338.0 (across five years) As part of broader Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, provide grants to a variety of entities to increase number of behavioral health counselors, coaches, and peer support specialists in schools.

The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's May Revision Medi-Cal Budget

May 14, 2018 - Proposition  55 includes a budget formula that provides additional funding to Medi-Cal if, in the estimation of the Department of Finance (DOF), General Fund revenues will exceed constitutionally required spending on schools and the “workload budget ” costs of other government programs that were in place as of January 2016.

The 2023-24 Budget: Health Workforce Budget Solutions

Feb 21, 2023 - For example, the University of California ’s medical schools rely on a mix of state support, student tuition and fee revenue, and faculty clinical revenue to support their operations. Three Key Issues Regarding California ’s Health Workforce.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2020 - Most notably, the Governor provides a combined $ 900  m illion for six programs aimed at improving school employee training, recruitment, and retention. The budget also provides $ 600  m illion for two new grant programs: (1) $ 300  m illion for grants to help low ‑performing schools and districts improve their performance and (2) $ 300  m illion for

Governor’s May Revision Update: Health Insurance Affordability Proposals

May 15, 2019 - The proposed state subsidies would limit these households ’ net premiums to a fixed percentage of income that would grow from about 10  percent for households with income just over 400  percent of the FPL to 25  percent for households with income at 600  percent of the FPL.

The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Mar 9, 2017 - (While changes in the state ’s cost share for this population are on a calendaryear basis under the ACA, we have translated the costs here to a state fiscal ‑year basis.) We note that a sizable portion of these increased state costs are proposed to be paid with Proposition  56 revenues.

Update on COVID-19 Spending in California

Nov 5, 2020 - The administration notified the JLBC of two DREOA of transfers related to COVID-19: $1.3  billion on March  25 and $1.8  billion on May 21. These funds are now available for emergency response activities.

Mental Health Services Act: Proposed Restructuring of the MHSA Funding Categories and Impacts on County Spending

Jul 13, 2023 - There may be changes in the types of programs and services funded on a year-to-year basis that are not captured in our analysis and 2021-22 data may not be representative of counties ’ funding priorities over time.