Results for 서울시 tax

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The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 2, 2018 - In addition, the budget includes a $48. 2  m illion reduction in General Fund support for trial court operations in 2018 ‑ 19 i n order to reflect the availability of property tax revenue in accordance with Control Section 15.45 and Section 2578 o f the Education Code.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 2, 2018 - About 40   Percent of Increase Covered With Higher Property Tax Revenue. Of total Proposition  98 spending in 2018 ‑19, $54. 9  b illion is state General Fund and $23. 5  b illion is local property tax revenue.

Felony sentencing. [Ballot]

Sep 24, 2018 - Changing the amount of realignment revenue provided to counties likely would require changing the tax rates. In 2018-19, counties are expected to receive a total of over $1.4  billion to pay for the three realigned felon populations described above.

Property tax assessment. [Ballot]

Sep 24, 2018 - Other Taxes on Property Sales.   Cities and counties collect taxes on the transfer of homes and other real estate. Statewide, transfer taxes raise around $1  billion for cities and counties. Counties Administer the Property Tax.

August 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Sep 12, 2018 - Higher personal income tax (PIT) withholding and increased sales tax revenue each made up about half of the increase. We discuss each of these in a bit more detail below. PIT Withholding Continued to Be Strong in August.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 9 (Professional Engineers)

Aug 28, 2018 - In 2018-19, the state expects these taxes to raise $4.4 billion. By 2020-21, when all the taxes are in effect and the inflation adjustments have started, the state expects the taxes to raise $5.1 billion each year.

Need-Based Financial Aid Award Amounts [EdBudget]

Aug 27, 2018 - The Cal Grant B Access Award consists of a statuory amount funded by state General Fund ($1,648) and a supplemental amount funded by the College Access Tax Credit. The size of the supplement each year depends on the level of tax credit funds.

Why Are Home Sales a Useful Economic Indicator? [EconTax Blog]

Aug 23, 2018 - Personal income is the tax base for the state ’s largest source of tax revenue : the personal income tax. Home sales also are a good barometer for the strength of the state ’s housing markets. A major drop in home sales can signal that demand among homebuyers is weakening.

Statewide Tax on sugar-sweetened drinks. [Ballot]

Aug 21, 2018 - The measure would allow local governments to enact taxes on nonalcoholic drinks. To the extent that local governments enact such taxes, local tax revenues would increase. The amou nt of new revenue would depend on the number of local governments that enact these taxes and on the policy choices they make (such as the tax rate).

July 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Aug 10, 2018 - Lower sales tax results explain this shortfall, as PIT collections were somewhat above projections and corporation taxes were very close to the monthly estimate. A new IT system used to collect sales tax may explain this lower collection.