Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] State income taxes and various charges collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The state Constitution requires VLF revenue to be allocated to cities and counties for the support of a variety of health and human service programs and local public safety. Other DMV Charges. DMV also collects various other charges from individuals.

[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

These districts tend to be ones that have low property values or are located in counties that historically have distributed a greater share of property tax revenues to cities, counties, and special districts.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Our analysis indicates that the request for $65,000 is sufficient to reim- burse counties for this program. Therefore, we recommend approval. Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral We recommend approval of funds for Ch 1242/77.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 3).

County Health Initiative Matching Fund. Existing law also establishes the County Health Initiative Matching (CHIM) Fund program administered by MRMIB and counties to fund children’s health coverage for children in fa milies with income between 250  percent and 300  percent of FPL.

[PDF] Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 3). (Amendment #1-S)

County Health Initiative Matching Fund. Existing law also establishes the County Health Initiative Matching (CHIM) Fund program administered by MRMIB and counties to fund children’s health coverage for children in families with income between 250 percent and 300 percent of FPL.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 4).

County Health Initiative Matching Fund. Existing law also establishes the County Health Initiative Matching (CHIM) Fund program administered by MRMIB and counties to fund children’s health coverage for children in fa milies with income between 250  percent and 300  percent of FPL.

[PDF] Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 4). (Amendment #1-S)

County Health Initiative Matching Fund. Existing law also establishes the County Health Initiative Matching (CHIM) Fund program administered by MRMIB and counties to fund children’s health coverage for children in families with income between 250 percent and 300 percent of FPL.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Major Behavioral Health Proposals

Mar 3, 2022 - We  also find that the proposed cap on the number of county felony IST referrals (above which a county would pay a share of cost for felony IST treatment) raises state reimbursable mandate questions.

December 2020 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Jan 20, 2021 - December 2020 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.


Voting Requirements Differ for State and Local Taxes and Bonds When considering options for addressing budgetary problems and policy issues using taxes and bond financing, state and local decision-makers must work within the context of certai n approval or voting requirements.