Results for irish state pension

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CalSTRS Funding Update [Publication Details]

Jul 19, 2018 - In May 2018, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) released an update on the financial position of the pension system, which was largely in line with expectations. This post summarizes the update, which contains the latest estimates of the unfunded liability and contribution rates required for districts, employees, and the state.

Changes in California State Library General Fund Spending [EdBudget]

Apr 13, 2023 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

Evaluation of the California Community College Teacher Credentialing Partnership Pilot Program

Mar 29, 2023 - We would note, however, that the state has provided considerable funding the past few years for other initiati ves designed to improve access to teacher preparation programs. Introduction State Created Pilot Seeking to Improve Access to Teacher Credentialing Programs.

Why Are Unemployment Claims a Useful Economic Indicator? [EconTax Blog]

Jul 24, 2018 - Personal income is the tax base for the state ’s largest source of tax revenue : the personal income tax.

State Fiscal Health Index: June 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Aug 7, 2019 - Knowing when the state ’s next budget slowdown will happen is impossible. Many economic factors outside the state ’s control influence state revenues. Despite this, certain data points can help us understand whether shifting economic conditions are likely to lead to growth or declines in state revenues in the coming months.

The 2023-24 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor's May Revision [Publication Details]

May 15, 2023 - On May 12, 2023, Governor Newsom presented a revised state budget proposal to the Legislature. (This annual proposed revised budget is called the “May Revision.”) In this brief, we provide a summary of and comments on the Governor’s revised budget, focusing on the overall condition and structure of the state General Fund—the budget’s main operating account.

The 2023-24 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor's May Revision

May 15, 2023 - On May 12, 2023, Governor Newsom presented a revised state budget proposal to the Legislature. (This annual proposed revised budget is called the “May Revision.”) In this brief, we provide a summary of and comments on the Governor’s revised budget, focusing on the overall condition and structure of the state General Fund—the budget’s main operating account.

The 2023-24 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor's May Revision

May 15, 2023 - On May 12, 2023, Governor Newsom presented a revised state budget proposal to the Legislature. (This annual proposed revised budget is called the “May Revision.”) In this brief, we provide a summary of and comments on the Governor’s revised budget, focusing on the overall condition and structure of the state General Fund—the budget’s main operating account.

The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of Information Technology Project Proposals

Mar 17, 2023 - A state IT project goes through three distinct phases: (1)  planning, (2)  development and implementation (D &I), and (3)  maintenance and operations (M &O). Most state IT projects in the planning phase (referred to as proposed projects) are required to complete CDT ’s Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) —the state ’s IT project approval process.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: 4/6 to 4/10 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 10, 2020 - Nonetheless, given the pace and possible severity of the shift in the state ’s economy resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak, tracking weekly withholding is worthwhile as a way to assess the state ’s rapidly changing economic situation.