Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada from the past 5 years

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The 2021-22 Budget: UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Feb 26, 2021 - Though ANR relies on state funding to support its core operations, the state and UC ’s approach to budgeting for ANR costs has changed notably over the years. Below, we describe three ways ANR has been funded.

The 2020-21 Budget: California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)

Mar 20, 2020 - With these resources, CDTFA could perform 660 audits per year, but we estimate that IFTA will require the department to perform roughly 750 audits per year by 2021. We estimate that CDTFA would need three additional ATAs (at a cost of roughly $570,000 per year) to increase its audit capacity to 750 per year.

An Analysis of University Cash Management Issues [Publication Details]

Nov 10, 2020 - Given these developments, monitoring the universities’ fiscal condition over the coming years will be especially important for the Legislature. Reports by Policy Area

The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget [Publication Details]

Feb 14, 2020 - The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget [Publication Details] The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget Format: HTML Description: In this report, we provide high‑level background on the Medi‑Cal program and an overview of the major drivers of year‑over‑year spending changes in the Governor’s budget.

K-12 Funding by Source [EdBudget]

Jul 29, 2019 - b Includes $3.9 billion in additional retirement payments authorized in the 2019-20 budget package ($2.8 billion attributed to 2018-19 and $1 billion attributed to 2019-20). c These year-to-year comparisons are notably affected by how the administration attributed the additional retirement payments authorized in the 2019-20 budget package across fiscal years

Rent control. [Ballot]

Jun 10, 2019 - In the year a property is purchased, its taxable value is its purchase price. Each year after that the property ’s taxable value is adjusted for inflation by up to 2  percent. This continues until the property is sold and again is taxed at its purchase price.

Building Permits Update: February 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 1, 2019 - Singe family permits were down 14 percent in February compared to a year ago. This follows year-over-year declines of 8 percent in January and 30 percent in December 2018. Last month, we noted that several southern California counties had very strong permitting numbers in January.

The 2021-22 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s CalWORKs Proposals

Feb 3, 2021 - Other cost drivers include the extension of lifetime limits to 60 m onths for adults scheduled for May 2022 (estimated to cost about $ 22  m illion in 2021 ‑22, with higher costs anticipated for future years) and the various policy proposals described below.

COVID-19 and California’s Evolving Fiscal Outlook

Mar 18, 2020 - The extended tax filing due date —while justified —will further complicate the task of developing revised revenue estimates both for the current year and the 2020 ‑21 fiscal year. Given that it will take time to appraise the ultimate effects on the state, the Legislature may need to take incremental steps —like adopting a workload budget in the nearer term —to

The 2019-20 Budget: Increasing Compliance With Unclaimed Property Law

Mar 15, 2019 - One way to limit the resources required would be to roll out the amnesty period at different times for different industries (say, one year for the service industry, a second year for the financial industry, and so on).