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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in Transportation from the past 5 years

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Impact of COVID-19 on State Transportation Revenues

Sep 17, 2020 - Funding for STIP comes from a specified portion of the gasoline excise tax, with 75  percent allocated to counties on a formula basis for projects they select and 25  percent to Caltrans for interregional projects.

Federal Stimulus Funds for Transit

Apr 15, 2020 - In California, 25 “self-help ” counties have passed local sales tax measures for transportation, a portion of which goes to transit. Also, State Transit Assistance is the state ’s largest funding program for transit and is funded by the sales tax on diesel.

The 2020-21 Budget: Transportation

Feb 10, 2020 - Additionally, DMV licenses and regulates vehicle ‑related businesses (such as automobile dealers and driver training schools), and collects certain fees and taxes for state and local agencies. As of January 2020, there were 27. 3  m illion licensed drivers and 35. 8  m illion registered vehicles in the state.

SB 1 Has Doubled Major Source of State Funding for Local Streets and Roads

Jan 24, 2020 - Cities and counties receive equal splits of the shared revenues. City distributions are based on population, whereas county distributions are determined by the number of registered vehicles and miles of maintained county roads.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2020 - Recently, corporation tax collections have grown faster than anticipated while personal income tax collections have grown somewhat slower. The administration assumes that this pattern will continue. This is because they attribute the pattern to partnerships, which are taxed under the personal income tax, changing to corporations in response to 2017 federal tax changes.

The 2019-20 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Feb 26, 2019 - Additionally, DMV licenses and regulates vehicle ‑related businesses (such as automobile dealers and driver training schools), and collects certain fees and taxes for state and local agencies. As of January 2019, there were 27. 1  m illion licensed drivers and 35. 6  m illion registered vehicles in the state.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 14, 2019 - Shifts Some County IHSS Costs to General Fund, Potentially Addressing Some State ‑County Cost ‑Sharing Issues. The budget proposes a number of changes to the mechanism by which the state provides counties with funding for IHSS costs.