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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in State Budget from the past 5 years

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Tempered Expectations

Dec 9, 2019 - General Fund reliance on the personal income tax —and thus on capital gains-related income taxes in particular —has increased. Consequently, from a fiscal standpoint, the state could see revenue shortfalls commensurate with or greater than past recessions, especially if it were accompanied by a stock market correction.

The 2021-22 Budget: Multiyear Budget Outlook

May 23, 2021 - Under our estimates, recent gains in revenues —particularly from taxes on higher income earners —would persist and continue to grow close to the historical average rate. (For more discussion of our assumptions, please see: The 2021‑22 Budget: May Revenue Outlook .)

Federal COVID-19-Related Funding to California

Apr 28, 2020 - These include payments to the state government, local governments (including cities, counties, and special districts), tribal governments, and other public entities (like housing authorities, school districts, and other local educational agencies).

The Property Tax Postponement Program [Publication Details]

Mar 6, 2019 - The Property Tax Postponement Program [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2021-22 Budget: CalWORKs Fiscal Outlook

Dec 8, 2020 - As a result of the ongoing pandemic, most county human services offices have been affected by public health closures since March. We have talked to several of these offices throughout the state, and we understand that they have made extraordinary effo rts to ensure CalWORKs remains accessible even during public health lockdowns.

The 2020-21 Budget: California's Spring Fiscal Outlook

May 8, 2020 - Cash Management A Sizeable Cash Cushion Allows the State to Withstand the Delay in the Tax Filing Date … The state ’s sizeable reserve balances have contributed to a strong cash position in recent years.

Amid Good Fiscal Times, Planning for the Future Is Crucial [Publication Details]

May 21, 2019 - Later, when the economy and tax receipts weaken, the state can draw upon its accumulated savings to fund a spending level above what revenues would otherwise support. Exercising spending restraint during good times promotes fiscal sustainability and dampens the need for austerity in subsequent recessions, thus, facilitating policy stability.

The 2020-21 Budget: Structuring the Budget

Feb 10, 2020 - Managed Care Organization (MCO) Tax Approved. After enacting the 2019 ‑ 20 b udget in June, the Legislature reauthorized the MCO tax in September. The MCO tax generates General Fund benefit by taxing enrollment in MCOs and using that revenue to offset General Fund costs in Medi ‑Cal.

The Quiet Transformation in California’s Cash Management

Aug 29, 2019 - Corporations issue commercial paper to finance their receivables while many U.S. state and local governments —especially those with back-loaded revenue collections (such as California) —issue tax revenue anticipation notes.

Despite Fiscal Forecasting Uncertainties, Multiyear Budget Planning Essential

May 27, 2021 - Prudence dictates that only when baseline projections show operating surpluses (annual revenues exceeding expenditures) can new ongoing commitments or tax reductions be considered. Conversely, if projections indicate a looming structural deficit, the estimates are helpful in functioning as an early warning system.