Results for snohomish county lodging tax from the past 5 years

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Overview of Initiative Measure to Change Tax Assessment of Commercial Property [Publication Details]

Jun 4, 2020 - Overview of Initiative Measure to Change Tax Assessment of Commercial Property [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2021-22 Budget: Transitional Kindergarten Expansion Package

Feb 5, 2021 - Funds will be distributed to county offices of education, school districts or charter schools based on a competitive process developed by the state Superintendent of Public Instruction, subject to the approval of the e xecutive director of the State Board of Education.

The 2021-22 Budget: Special Education Proposals

Feb 4, 2021 - The Governor ’s budget also provides $250, 000 o ngoing to designate a district or county office of education to provide technical assistance on Medi ‑Cal billing as part of the statewide system of support.

The 2021-22 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details]

Nov 18, 2020 - In addition to The 2021-22 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook report and the accompanying The 2021-22 Budget: The Fiscal Outlook for Schools and Community Colleges report, several related posts on health and human services, economics and taxes, and other issues will be published in the coming days.

The 2022-23 Budget: Special Education Proposals

Jan 25, 2022 - SELPAs are typically a regional consortium of local education agencies (LEAs) —school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education (COEs) —that coordinate special education funding and services, with large districts often serving as their own SELPA.

The 2020-21 Budget: Staffing to Address New Independent Contractor Test

Feb 11, 2020 - Based on supplementary information we requested from the administration, we know that the proposal includes funding for 20 tax auditor positions, most of whom would work additional payroll tax appeals related to AB  5.

The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Health Budget and Policy [Publication Details]

Oct 15, 2020 - These actions include the offsetting of what would otherwise be General Fund costs with (1) revenues from the federally approved reauthorized tax on managed care organizations and (2) federal Medicaid funds that are being provided to the state at an enhanced level during the term of the public health emergency.

The 2019-20 Budget: Office of Emergency Services

Mar 13, 2019 - Specifically, OES has decided to prioritize funding for projects of the following types: Projects in declared counties (and other counties with significant wildfires) that mitigate the types of damages associated with wildfires and mudslides, including: Soil stabilization.

The 2022-23 Budget: College and Career Proposals

Feb 23, 2022 - Each consortium, in turn, awards grants to school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education on a competitive basis. Requires that grantees partner with a community college develop CTE opportunities and career pathways.

Evaluating State Economic Stimulus Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 2021 - In this report, we offer the Legislature guidance on how to evaluate fiscal stimulus proposals. We pose six key questions to ask when assessing specific proposals and provide specific elements that can be incorporated into proposals to increase their potential effectiveness.