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Fiscal Overview

November 20, 2003 - Handout presented to the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee on November 20th, 2003.


Fiscal Overview

November 19, 2003 - Handout presented to the Assembly Budget Committee on November 19th, 2003.


California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2003-04 Through 2008-09

November 14, 2003 - According to our projections, the state is facing a year-end shortfall of $10.2 billion in 2004-05 assuming the vehicle license fee (VLF) rate increase remains in effect, and substantially more if the rate is rolled back and the state resumes backfill payments to localities. Over the longer term, absent corrective actions, the state faces annual current-law operating deficits that remain over $9 billion through the end of the forecast period—and $14 billion if the VLF rate is rolled back.


Flexible Facility Utilization Standards: Higher Education

November 12, 2003 - Current state standards for utilization of higher education instructional facilities can be simplified and made more flexible. We recommend restating these standards on the basis of "annual hours of station use per year." This would both simplify the standards and accommodate year-round operation.


Use of Design-Build for K-12 School Construction: Interim Report

October 24, 2003 - Chapter 421, Statutes of 2001 (AB 1402, Simitian) authorizes school districts to enter into "design-build" contracts for specified construction projects and to submit specific information about these projects to the LAO upon completion of construction. This interim report describes the design-build process and reports that, thus far, no districts have reported to the LAO that they are using the design-build authorization provided by Chapter 421.


California Spending Plan 2003-04: The Budget Act and Related Legislation

October 23, 2003 - The Legislature was faced with addressing an enormous two-year General Fund budget shortfall in developing the state's spending plan for 2003-04. We discuss the factors underlying this shortfall, describe the key actions taken to address it, and provide detail on the adopted budget package.


Supplemental Report of the 2003 Budget Act: 2003-04 Fiscal Year

September 11, 2003 - Statements of intent for requests for studies adopted by the Legislature as a supplement to the 2003 Budget Act.


Major Features of the 2003 California Budget

August 1, 2003 - The budget package, as passed by the Legislature, authorizes total spending of $98.9 billion. Of this amount, $70.8 billion is from the General Fund, $20.5 billion is from special funds, and $7.5 billion from bond funds. It addresses an enormous General Fund shortfall through a combination of program savings, borrowing, new revenues, funding shifts, and deferrals.


The 2003-04 Budget Bill (AB 1765) as Amended on July 26, 2003

July 28, 2003 - Highlights of the Budget Bill as adopted by the Senate.


Information Technology Governance

July 22, 2003 - Presented to the Assembly Select Committee on Information Technology and the High-Tech Workforce


State Expenditures: History and Forecast

July 16, 2003 - Presented to the Senate Select Committee on Fiscal Restructuring


Charter School Operations and Performance: Evidence from California (RAND Policy Brief)

July 14, 2003 - Charter schools generally do as well as traditional public schools in fostering reading and mathematics achievement even though they receive fewer state funds and employ fewer teachers with full state credentials, according to a report prepared by RAND. The LAO contracted with RAND to perform this evaluation, which was required by Chapter 34, Statutes of 1998 (AB 544, Lempert). See for the full report (1.3 MB) and for the surveys (42 MB).


State Expenditures: History and Forecast

July 10, 2003 - Presented to Senate Select Committee on Fiscal Restructuring


The 2003-04 Assembly Budget Bill AB 100 (Oropeza)--as Adopted by the Budget Committee

June 2, 2003 - A summary of the Assembly Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget Committee.


The 2003-04 Senate Budget Bill SB 53 (Chesbro)--As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

June 2, 2003 - A summary of the Senate Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.