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Get $mart: Reforming the State’s Equipment Financing Program

January 28, 2003 - The Department of General Services' (DGS) GS $Mart Program has been used to finance $521 million in state equipment purchases over the past seven years. We find that DGS has demonstrated initiative in developing this innovative program but that the program has significant deficiencies, including a lack of statutory authority.


CALFED Bay-Delta Program: 2003-04 Budget Proposal Issues for Legislative Consideration

January 28, 2003 - Handout presented to Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee and Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 3


Lease-Leaseback Transactions by Public Transit Districts--Sales and Use Tax Exemption

January 28, 2003 - The Sales and Use Tax exclusion granted through Chapter 592 is scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2004. Based on our examination of the impact of this exemption on state and local governments, we believe that a strong case can be made for removing the sunset and allowing the exclusion to continue


Overview of Current-Year Proposition 98 Reductions

January 15, 2003 - Background on alternative proposal on current-year reductions.


Overview of the 2003-04 Governor's Budget

January 15, 2003 - On January 10, the Governor released a plan for addressing his projected $34.6 billion General Fund budget shortfall. Although this shortfall estimate and the level of required solutions is somewhat overstated, the problem is still enormous. The Legislature faces a formidable task in carefully evaluating the plan's individual elements and the many important policy issues it raises. It is also important that the Legislature take early and decisive action to get the state's fiscal house in order.


CPEC: A Review of Its Mission And Responsibilities

January 1, 2003 - Supplemental report language (SRL) of the 2002-03 Budget Act directed the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) to convene a working group to (a) reexamine the California Postsecondary Education Commission’s (CPEC) statutory responsibilities; (b) identify ways that the commission can effectively perform its responsibilities within its budgeted resources; and (c) consider recommendations put forth by the Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education related to current CPEC functions and the development of a successor agency. This report presents the primary issues identified by the working group and the relevant findings and policy options discussed.


A Review of the 2002 California Infrastructure Plan

December 19, 2002 - We review the administration's report, 2002: California's Five-Year Infrastructure Plan, its first legislatively mandated plan for funding public sector capital outlay needs. We examine its strengths and suggest improvements for future plans.


Analysis of Mid-Year Budget Proposal

December 16, 2002 - The Governor recently released his current-year plan for partially addressing the state's enormous budget shortfall. The plan calls for $10.2 billion in budgetary reductions and adjustments. We discuss the Governor's proposal, consider its general viability, and identify additional options available to the Legislature.


LAO Recommended Legislation

December 2, 2002 - The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently. While most of our recommendations can be addressed in the annual budget bill, some involve recommended changes in law that require separate legislation. This report summarizes various changes to law that we have recommended in recent years.


Cal Facts: California's Economy and Budget in Perspective-2002

December 2, 2002 - A series of charts and tables which address questions frequently asked of our office. These "snapshots" of information provide a broad overview of public finance and program trends in the state.


California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2002-03 Through 2007-08

November 14, 2002 - For the second year in a row, the state faces a budget problem in excess of $20 billion. Our updated forecast indicates the following. Current Year: California will end the 2002-03 fiscal year with a General Fund deficit of $6.1 billion. Budget Year: The 2003-04 budget faces a cumulative year-end deficit of $21.1 billion, absent corrective actions. However, if California's economic performance continues to lag the shortfall could easily be several billion dollars higher. Beyond the Budget Year: Over the longer term, the state will face annual operating deficits of between roughly $12 billion and $16 billion per year.


Providing Health Insurance for State Employees and Retirees: The $2 Billion Question

November 6, 2002 - The Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) is taking a number of steps to help control the sharply rising cost of the state health insurance program for employees and retirees. We recommend that the legislature provide ongoing oversight of this program and highlight two Legislative options for limiting costs: developing lower-cost HMO options and changing the way state contributions are determined.


Legislative Analyst's Office Staff Guide, 2002

November 1, 2002 - Staff and their assignments within the Legislative Analyst's Office as of November 2002.


An Overview of California's Manufacturers' Investment Credit

October 30, 2002 - We review and assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of the Manufacturers’ Investment Credit.


Early Care and Education Public Policy Forum 2002

October 23, 2002 - Presentation by Elizabeth Hill for Early Care and Education Public Policy Forum 2002