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Sheltering the Homeless: Alternatives to Armories

December 3, 1997 - The state currently makes 26 of the state's National Guard armories available as temporary homeless shelters during the winter months. Our review suggests that the most appropriate role for the state in seeking alternatives to the use of the armories is to help facilitate the local development of new shelters.


Federal Bill Would Reduce California's Child Support Incentive Funds

November 24, 1997 - Federal Bill Would Reduce California's Child Support Incentive Funds


The LAO’s Economic and Budget Projections 1997-98 Through 1999-00

November 20, 1997 - We estimate that the current year will end with a reserve of $769 million, or $657 million more than the 1997-98 Budget Act estimate. We further estimate that the budget will remain in balance in the future, with the reserve rising slightly to $836 million in 1998-99, before declining to $304 million in 1999-00.


California’s Fiscal Outlook

November 1, 1997 - Slideshow summarizing our fiscal outlook for California.


(1) Explaining Differences in School District Revenue, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

October 28, 1997 - (Cal Update)


Colorado River Water: Challenges for California

October 16, 1997 - The Secretary of the Interior has directed California to come up with a plan to live within its entitlement of 4.4 million acre-feet of water per year. We provide findings and recommendations regarding this directive.


The "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law: An Update

October 14, 1997 - Summary of preliminary results of the "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law


Restoring Coho Salmon in California

October 14, 1997 - In April 1997, the federal government declared coho salmon in California streams from Humboldt County north into southern Oregon as "threatened" under the federal Endangered Species Act. We examine various issues related to this finding.


The 1997-98 Budget Act and Related Legislation

October 8, 1997 - The 1997-98 budget, signed into law by Governor Wilson on August 18, 1997, authorizes total state spending of $67.2 billion, including $52.8 billion from the General Fund and $14.4 billion from special funds.


Explaining Differences in School District Revenue

October 1, 1997 - School district revenues per student differ significantly throughout the state. For instance, per student revenue-including all local, state, and federal aid-in 1995-96 (the most recent data available) among California unified school districts ranged from $4,042 to $12,528 per student, with an average of $5,160. No single funding source is responsible for the significant differences in revenue among districts. In part, the differences reflect additional funds available to districts that serve low-income students with specific needs. Funding differences also stem from historical and local economic factors. We explain in more detail below the magnitude of revenue differences among districts and some of the reasons for the gaps.


(1) Will California Meet the TANF Maintenance-of-Effort Requirement? And (2) $2.5 Million Deal Funds Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit

September 22, 1997 - (1) Will California Meet the TANF Maintenance-of-Effort Requirement? And (2) $2.5 Million Deal Funds Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit


Will California Meet the TANF Maintenance-of-Effort Requirement?

September 1, 1997 - Federal welfare reform replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant program.


State Education Funding Still at Risk Due to Dispute Over Prison Inmate Services

September 1, 1997 - Since 1995, the state of California has been at odds with the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) over special education services for eligible inmates in state prisons. The dispute has threatened receipt of federal funds for special education programs in California's public schools as we indicated in our Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill (see page D-89). Despite the recent approval of changes in federal law by the Congress and the President, which Californians believed would resolve the state-federal conflict, the USDE continues to assert that California is out of compliance. This could place more than $300 million in federal funds for special education in California's public schools at risk.


Supplemental Report of the Budget Act—Containing Statements of Intent or Requests for Studies 1997-98

August 29, 1997 - Statements of intent or requests for studies adopted by the Legislature as a supplement to the 1997 Budget Act.


(1) State Education Funding Still at Risk Due to Dispute Over Prison Inmate Services, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments

August 29, 1997 - (1) State Education Funding Still at Risk Due to Dispute Over Prison Inmate Services, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments