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Trial Court Funding

January 17, 1995 - Trial Court Funding


Initial Comments On The 1995-96 Governor's Budget

January 12, 1995 - Presented To Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee


Status Check: The "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law - A Preliminary Assessment

January 6, 1995 - On March 7, 1994, Governor Wilson signed into law AB 971 (Ch 12194, Jones)-referred to as the ''Three Strikes and You're Out" criminal sentencing measure. In November, the voters reaffirmed the measure by overwhelmingly approving Proposition 184, an initiative that is essentially identical to Chapter 12.


Status Check: Accommodating Prison Population Growth

January 6, 1995 - The California Department of Corrections (CDC) projects that the state prison population will grow by almost 70 percent in the next five years. Much of this growth will be driven by enactment of the "Three Strikes and You're Out" legislation. Building new state prisons to accommodate this growth will be both challenging and costly. In this report, we discuss (1) the CDC's inmate population projections and new prison needs, (2) the current status of funding for prison construction and renovation, and (3) the state budget implications of accommodating growth in the state's prison population.


The “Three Strikes and You’re Out” Law—A Preliminary Assessment

January 6, 1995 - The “Three Strikes and You’re Out” Law—A Preliminary Assessment


Accommodating Prison Population Growth

January 6, 1995 - Accommodating Prison Population Growth


Legislative Analyst's Office Annual Report - Fiscal Year 1993-94

January 5, 1995 - The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) provides analysis and nonpartisan advice to the California Legislature on fiscal and policy issues, and has done so for over fifty years. The LAO enjoys a national reputation for its fiscal and programmatic expertise, and its high quality, nonpartisan analyses. The LAO is overseen by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC), a 14-member bipartisan committee composed of an equal number of Assembly and Senate members. The office currently has a staff of 46 personnel-years - 36 analytical and 10 support, who serve as a nonpartisan staff respurce to all legislators.


LAO Annual Report Fiscal Year 1993-94

January 5, 1995 - LAO Annual Report Fiscal Year 1993-94


The California Budget Outlook

January 4, 1995 - Presented To The California Agricultural Leadership Program By Elizabeth G. Hill, Legislative Analyst


New Funding Model for Special Education - The Development Process

January 1, 1995 - Presented To: Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2


New Funding Model for Special Education - A Preliminary Report

January 1, 1995 - In February 1994 the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) in its Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill cited a number of major problems with the state's current special education funding formula. Among the major shortfalls cited were (1) unjustified funding variations among local education agencies (LEAs), (2) unnecessary complexity, (3) constraints on local innovation and response to changing requirements, and (4) inappropriate fiscal incentives. Based on this analysis, the Legislature adopted language in the Supplemental Report of the 1994 Budget Act directing the State Department of Education (SDE), the Department of Finance, and the LAO to jointly review the Master Plan for Special Education (MPSE) and propose a new funding model by May 31, 1995.


An Overview of the 1995-96 Governor's Budget

January 1, 1995 - An Overview of the 1995-96 Governor's Budget


Cal Guide: A Profile of State Programs and Finances-1995

January 1, 1995 - Cal Guide: A Profile of State Programs and Finances


Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

December 29, 1994 - This white paper reviews redevelopment activities undertaken between January 1993 and August 1994.


California Defense Conversion: Technology Reinvestment Project

December 27, 1994 - To help California compete for grants under President's initiative for Defense Reinvestment and Conversion, the state set aside over $50 million in matching funds and established the Defense Conversion Matching Grant Program.