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K-12 Education (15)
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Results in K-12 Education from the past 5 years

15 results

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The 2024-25 California Spending Plan: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

Sep 16, 2024 - Delays the program sunset date from 2030 ‑31 to 2031 ‑32 to give the fourth cohort of implementation grantees two years to spend their extension grants. Shifts $60  million previously set aside for extension grants to be used for additional implementation grants.

Overview of Special Education in California

Nov 6, 2019 - Recent legislation directed the Legislature and administration to work collaboratively to consider changes in how the state organizes, delivers, and funds special education, with the overarching intent to improve outcomes. With this report, we aim to inform these fiscal and policy conversations by providing an overview of special education in California.

Overview of Special Education in California [Publication Details]

Nov 6, 2019 - Recent legislation directed the Legislature and administration to work collaboratively to consider changes in how the state organizes, delivers, and funds special education, with the overarching intent to improve outcomes. With this report, we aim to inform these fiscal and policy conversations by providing an overview of special education in California.

Increasing Transparency of County Office of Education Spending

Mar 14, 2024 - Chapter  32 established a requirement for county superintendents to prepare a summary of how the COE plans to assist all school districts within the county. The plan describes actions the COE will take in approving all LCAPs.

Early Budget Actions to Support In-Person K-12 Instruction and Address Learning Loss

Apr 23, 2021 - Below, we describe the major components of AB  86. In-Person Instruction Provides $2  Billion, Conditional on Meeting In-Person Instruction Requirements. Funding is allocated to local education agencies (LEAs) —school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education —based on their share of total 2020 ‑21 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allotments.

Early Budget Actions to Support In-Person K-12 Instruction and Address Learning Loss [Publication Details]

Apr 23, 2021 - On March 5, 2021, the Governor signed Chapter 10 (AB 86, Committee on Budget), which provides additional one-time Proposition 98 funding to schools for providing in-person instruction and addressing student learning loss due to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. This post describes the major components of the legislation.

The 2022-23 Budget: Special Education Proposals

Jan 25, 2022 - This post provides background on various special education programs, describes the Governor's proposals related to these topics, and offers associated recommendations and issues for the Legislature to consider.

The 2022-23 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor's May Revision

May 16, 2022 - Specifically, the Governor proposes  allocating: $32   Billion to One ‑Time or Temporary Spending on Programmatic Expansions. The Governor proposes spending about 60  percent of the overall General Fund surplus, or $32  billion, on a one ‑time or temporary basis for a variety of programmatic expansions.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Proposition 98 Budget Package

Jan 16, 2019 - The budget also includes $32  million to provide a COLA for several CCC categorical programs (most notably the Adult Education Program). The budget includes $26  million to cover 0.55  percent enrollment growth (equating to about 6,000 additional FTE students).

The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Education

Oct 17, 2019 - Of the $263  million, $179  million is available in 2019 ‑20, with the remainder of funds allocated over the following three years ($20  million in 2020 ‑21 and $32  million each in 2021 ‑22 and 2022 ‑23).