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State Budget (56)
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Results for ab 32 in State Budget

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The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 2, 2018 - Augments housing assistance and support programs for CalWORKs families by $32  million (ongoing cost of $63  million). Provides other homelessness assistance funding for seniors, youth, and victims of domestic violence (total $26  million one time).

An Update on California’s Cash Management Situation

Aug 31, 2020 - In fact, while the state has not used external borrowing for cash management since 2014, in the 32 years between 1983 and 2014 the state issued at least one RAN in every single year excep t two (1995 and 2000).

Summary of Legislative Action on the Budget Bill 1984-85 Fiscal Year [Publication Details]

Jul 1, 1984 - This report summarizes the fiscal effect of The 1984 Budget Act (AB 2313), The Budget Trailer Bill (SB 1379), and The Local Government Finance Bills (AB 1849/SB 794).

The Quiet Transformation in California’s Cash Management

Aug 29, 2019 - In 2019, AB  1054 [Holden] authorized a loan of up to $10.5  billion for wildfire liability claims.) Mirroring the broader economy, it is inevitable that at some point, the state ’s revenue trends will weaken.

The 2015-16 Budget: Major Features of the Adopted Plan (Other Issues)

Jun 19, 2015 - Chapter  1, Statutes of 2015 (AB  91, Committee on Budget) —the emergency drought legislation passed in March  2015 —included $660  million (primarily from Proposition  1E) for flood protection projects in urban and rural areas, as well as for grants to local governments for local flood protection activities.

The 2019-20 May Revision: Sales Tax Exemptions for Diapers and Menstrual Products

May 12, 2019 - For example, Chapter  687 of 2017 (AB  10, Garcia) requires relatively high-poverty middle schools and high schools to provide free menstrual products in restrooms. In many other areas, however, the state ’s policies could raise the equity concern described above.

The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 5, 2016 - This includes $32  million for the Male Community Reentry Program, which provides beds in community facilities that prepare inmates for transition out of prison. The remaining $3  million is to expand the Alternative Custody Program to comply with a court order requiring that the program serve male inmates.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan 2017-18 Enacted Spending $3,544.0 a Does not include additional $50  million in freed-up General Fund due to providing $50  million in Proposition  56 funds for graduate medical education. b The original $1.9  million appropriation in the revised 2015-16 budget (pursuant to Chapter  2 of 2016, AB  133, Committee on Budget) was unspent and carried forward to 2016-17.

The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Debt Liabilities

Oct 17, 2019 - Legislation ratifying the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the state and Bargaining Unit 5 (Highway Patrol) —Chapter 859 (AB  118, Committee on Budget) —changed the 2020 ‑21 supplemental payment so that $243  million General Fund goes to the Highway Patrol pension benefit and $22  million is apportioned as described above, based on General Fund annual contributions to CalPERS.

The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 10, 2021 - The Governor proposes $11.7  million one-time General Fund to trial courts for the implementation of the Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 (Chapter  37 of 2020 [AB  3088, Chiu]).